1.7 Hook man

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~ Chapter 7 ~
'Run, run, run away, run away, baby'
- runaway baby, Bruno Mars

"Do you want me to be honest?" I question as I glance at Alex. Alex hasn't left my side ever since the whole shapeshifter bullshit.

If you looked under my jeans you would see a lot of stitches, Dean doesn't make his look pretty or at-least presentable. He refused to let me take them out because he said I would be in more pain and it would hurt his ears. Ive been repeatedly telling the boys I'm fine and that my leg doesn't hurt anymore, but nobody believes me.

So Alex volunteered himself to be my personal bodyguard to make sure I don't get hurt again. Which is a bunch of bull.

"Emily?" Alex says drawing me out of my thoughts. I look to him and he has a confused expression across his face, "did you just listen to a word I just said?"

"Not really" I shrug with a small smile.

"Well as I was saying" Alex huffs. "My mother was killed by a group of vampires and a few hunter friends of mine have mentioned a few groups of vampires that have come up on their radar."

"Vampires don't exist" I scoff with an eye roll.

"Trust me Emily Winchester they do" Alex says and I can tell from his expression he is completely serious.

"Okay speaking if they are true. Theoretically. You don't know the pack of vampires that killed your mother" I remind Alex. "You can't just kill off every single vampire in existence."

"I know the one who stuck his teeth in my mothers throat" Alex tells me. "His name was Luther. My mother wrote about him in her final letter to me. She had been hunting the pack for months and there was one last vampire to eliminate and that was Luther."

"But she may have killed him" I suggest with a shrug, "he might've killed her but she could've also killed him."

"No he's still alive" Alex states. "She was preparing to kill him the night she wrote the letter to me, she talked about how she might not come back from this and was saying her goodbyes and how she wished me and her could've been closer. She said she'd call if she was still alive. She never did. That's what lead me to go investigate. I went to the vampires hide out and there was bodies everywhere but no sign of this Luther. Luther is still alive em and I won't rest until his body is at my feet."

"So why are you searching for packs of vampires?" I question with a raised eyebrow. "If your mom killed all of his tribe wouldn't he be alone now."

"Well I'm thinking that after he killed my mother he created a whole new army" Alex shrugs, "to protect himself or he joined a new pack."

"So you're leaving?" I repeat my original question.

Alex looks at me and nods, "I'll be back" he smiles. "I wouldn't leave you Emily. Especially after finding you after all this time." Alex pulls me into a hug before heading across the parking lot to his car. 

I sit down at the table with my brothers who both have coffees in front of them. Dean has a laptop pretending to be searching for cases and Sam just has his normal resting bitch face.

"I had 'em check the FBI's Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe's fitting Dad's description" sam explains. "I even ran his plates for traffic violations."

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