1.8 Bugs

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~ Chapter 8 ~
'If only I could read the signs in front of me'
- If only, Dove Cameron

Sam is sat reading a newspaper article outside a bar. A minute later, me and dean come outside, laughing and dean waving a wad of cash in the air.

"You know, we could get day jobs once in a while" Sam shrugs glancing back at the two of us.

"Hunting's our day job" dean reminds our younger brother. "And the pay is crap."

"Yeah, but hustling pool?" Sam scoffs rolling his eyes at us. "Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world."

"Well, let's see honest" dean holds out one hand. "Fun and easy." Dean holds out the other, and gestures that fun and easy outweighs honest. "It's no contest. Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do."

"Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked" Sam responds turning away from me and dean.

"Yeah, says you" dean chuckles as he notices the newspaper in Sam's hands, "We got a new gig or what?"

"Maybe. Oasis Plains, Oklahoma" Sam begins, "not far from here" Sam stands up and places the newspaper in front of me and dean. "A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob."

"Huh?" Dean questions raising an eye brow.

"Human mad cow disease" i clarify for my older brother with a scoff.

"Mad cow" dean repeats. "Wasn't that on Oprah?"

"You watch Oprah?" Sam questions with a chuckle.

Dean, who is clearly embarrassed, can't think of anything to say. "So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?" Dean asks trying to change the subject of the conversation.

"Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration" i explain. "It takes months, even years, for the damage to appear."

"But this guy, Dustin? Sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour" Sam tells us pointing at the newspaper article. "Maybe less."

"Okay, that's weird" dean states.

"Yeah. Now, it could be a disease" Sam shrugs standing up straighter. "Or it could be somethin' much nastier."

"All right. Oklahoma" dean sighs. We all get in the car. "Man. Work, work, work. No time to spend my money."

"Your money?" I repeat with a scoff. "Who was the person who distracted the guy so you could take that extra shot."

"Our money" dean sighs with an eye roll.

We arrive at the Oklahoma gas and power company building. We get out of the car and approach a man Sam thinks is the guy we need to speak to. "Travis Weaver?"

Travis turns to us, "Yeah, that's right."

"Are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty?" Dean questions looking at the man.

"Dustin never mentioned nephews and a niece" travis chuckles.

"Really?" I question with a chuckle. "Well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest."

"Oh, he did? Huh" travis smiles to himself looking down at the ground before looking back at us.

"Listen, we wanted to ask you, what exactly happened out there?" Dean asks.

"I'm not sure" travis shrugs. "He fell in a sinkhole, I went to the truck to get some rope, and, uh by the time I got back"

"What did you see?" I question.

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