Chapter 38: Relaxing date (lemon)

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We see a village that is being raided by Bandits as they trash the place but that's when Y/n, Compa and IF came and we see a gunfire happening as Bandits opening fire at IF and Y/n who are taking cover while Compa get everyone inside and out of danger.

IF fires a few shots from her pistol only to ran out and start reloading while Y/n fire a round from his rifle and then get down as bullets fly by him.

IF: Crap. I'm out!

Y/n: Here! Take this!

He tosses a mag towards IF which she catches and reloads.

IF: (smirk) Thanks. Let's show those punks whose boss.

Y/n: (smirk) Right behind you.

Y/n swap his rifle to his pistol as he roll into the middle and then aim his pistol and shot at four Bandits while IF leaps over him and fire a few more shot, taking out the rest. The other Bandits sees this and starts torun away while IF blows a smoke from her pistol while Y/n gets up and walk up to IF as the two smirked and then fist pumped.

IF: (smirk) Nice shot.

Y/n: (smirk) Can say the same to you.

Compa: (surprised) That was amazing! You two are the best when it comes to guns.

IF: (smirk) Yep. Those Bandits can't even stand a chance.

The village people cheered for them coming here and saving their village. After they got their reward money they make their way out of the village and while they were walking IF ask Y/n.

IF: So what now?

Y/n: No idea. Figure I go home and relax.

IF: That's boring. Say there is a town near here that has a festival going on! We can stay there and have some fun.

Compa: (smile) That sounds like a good idea IF. What do you say Y/n?

Y/n: A festival huh? Sure, why not.

IF: (smirk) Great! Now let's go and have some fun.

Compa: (smile) Yay!

The two girls walk off while Y/n follows behind as he smiles and goes with them to this festival in a town nearby.


They arrived into town and the festival has already started with a parade happening through the streets as people gathered along the sideways and watching the parade. IF and Compa were watching the parade while Y/n was getting some cotton candy for them at the stand.

Once he did he return back and handed them each their cotton candy.

Y/n: (smile) Here you go you two.

Compa: (smile) Thanks Y/n.

IF: (smile) Yeah thanks. Your the best.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. You know I was surprised you decided to come here since your always this girl who likes to work hard.

IF: True but we been through a lot so I figure why not take I easy just for a day.

Compa: (smile) I agree. A nice break from work would help your mind.

Y/n: (smile) Agree. You know....when I first came to this world, I thought it was extremely weird but now I found it normal and nice.

IF: (smirk) Can't say I blame you. If I ended up in your world, I might find it weird. Weird and bored.

Compa: (smile) Well disbite that I would like to explore it and help as much people I can.

Y/n: (smile) My world would see you as one of the most kind person ever.

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