Yandere Father Morpheus x Missing Son Reader (Sandman)

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M/N Pov
Reaching the teen age i knew something was wrong with my father he was crazy for both power and keeping me locked up saying the world was out to kill me and it could be true as i was related to him and the world wanted him dead. I knew for a fact he had killed my mother after she tried escaping with me, i blamed myself for her death ever since then but i heard her voice in my head telling me to get out for her. So i never gave up trying and trying.

I finally did it 4 years after her death i ran and ran never giving up as i was free and knew exactly where to go. Banging wildly on the door as i jog on the spot as i look around me nervously until the door open reveling Gilbert who lets me in with open arms. I have now lived with Gilbert for five years and my life was so much better i had friends and went exploring places having no idea the trauma my father was going through, nightmare after nightmare tormenting him of just things that could of happened to me.

I never really thought about him anymore as i was enjoying my life refusing to look back on my life before hand. So stopping as i feel a hand wrap around my wrist stopping me, turning around seeing who stopped me. "i finally found you" "father?" "why would you leave?!! No wait you were taken right?! Of course you were, you'd never leave me" "please father let me go" "I'll rescue you lets go before i kill someone" letting him pull me back to hell as i knew he would kill everyone as he's done it before.

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now