Yandere Male Doll x Male Reader (Birthday Special)

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(Since today is my birthday I'm gonna first of all release the chapters earlier and add this special just because. Have a lovely day all of you and stay safe)

M/N Pov (6 Years Old)
Running down stairs excited that today was my birthday but my first mission was to wake my parents up so climbing up their bed, before getting in the middle and start jumping up and down making them both groan in annoyance but smile at me telling me they were coming making me grin as I climb off the bed rocking on my feet as I stood at the bedroom door waiting only time squeal as my father picked me up running with me across the ball making me laugh as my mother told him to be careful.

Thanking my parents for my card and presents as they ask what I wanted to spend my money on making me think " a holiday just for you two" "honey it's for you to spend on yourself" "but you both deserve it please" "well... Fine but your coming to" I just nod as the door bells rings making me look at my father who looked came back in minutes confused with a box "what is it dear?" "A present apparently" "from who?" "Was it not you?" "No, not that I remember" "well here you go M/N let's see what it is" I nodded opening it with caution to see a life style doll I blink at it confused as my parents looked worried.

Time Skip (Age: 24)
Waking up yawning glaring at my dog as he just jumped around after waking me licking all over my face as he did every morning which I hated as I didn't like getting up in the morning but it needed to be done. Walking downstairs seeing my parents here already "who let you guys in?" "Don't be silly M/N you let us in" I out the mug down looking my mother in the eye "I just woke up, I haven't been down stairs yet well until now" "but it was you that opened the door" I shake my head giving my parents their drinks as my father hands me my birthday card, thanking him them both with a hug I set the card up but as I do I hear a thump from upstairs making us all look at the ceiling "I'll see what's fallen over" I say heading up opening the spare room seeing the doll all those years ago had fallen over making me walk over sitting it back on its rocking chair I got it as a child.

Shutting the door I head back down stairs talking to my parents before they had to leave. Waving them goodbye I go to sit down and relax when D/N starts barking upstairs making me look up there confused as nothing looked out of the ordinary well until a random shadow went past making me jump. Walking upstairs with caution I see the spare room door open with the doll missing which creeped me out as I was sure I put the doll there. Hearing D/N growl I head back down only to hear him whine making me rush into the living room and D/N locked out tied there but the problem was the doll he had grown he was the size of me and we'll alive.

Watching as the doll grins singing happy Birthday in a creepy tone I try go and rescue my dog when wired wrap around my. Limbs tightly stopping me as they pull me into the air. Groaning in pain as I stare at the doll who was now stroking my cheek "I missed you M/N why don't you play with me anymore?" "I'm not a child anymore" "but I'm yours forever you can't get rid of me or forget me because I'll just keep coming back for you as your my beloved M/N who I adore so much" letting our a cry as the strong got tighter on me "youll stay as mine forever won't you or must I kill someone else to keep you under my control" "leave D/N alone! Look I'll pay attention to you just please let him back inside if you don't want me to hate you then let home live here with us both" "very well but if you try leaving me I will kill him"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 4 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt