Yandere Kaito Kuroba x Male Reader (Kaito Kid)

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M/N Pov
Standing shyly next to Kaito as he was happily talking to his club mates but it seemed to last forever as I moved from foot to foot as they were sore standing here all this time and by the sounds of it this conversation wasn't going to end very soon. I sigh sitting down on a nearby so he could still see me and not worry where I ran off to. Five minutes pass theb ten when my friend runs over to me looking at me confused "why you sitting here?" "Waiting to go home" "wanna go with me instead?" "Sure."

I had trying telling Kaito I was walking with him but he wasn't listening so I gave up only f9r him to be furious first at me then my friend muttering his name and something I couldn't quite get in just hoped it as nothing but of course it had to be something as the end of the week after his dead body was reported leaving me filled with sadness as he was gone, my best friend, the one I grew up with and I had an idea who did it and I was going to make sure he paid.

It was the weekend and I was a at in the sofa staring at Kaito who was huming as he made our drinks before walking over to me handing me the cup before I asked for something. As soon as he left I hurried pouring the powder in his drink mixing before acting normal and drinking mine as he came back giving me the snack I asked for. Unwrapping my biscuit I watch as he stops the cup just at his nose before chuckling and placing it back on the table "my, my I never would thought you'd try kill me for killing that brat, looks like I'll need to teach you some manners after all. "

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 4 Where stories live. Discover now