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REFLECTION : FIVE ; ──────────────

REFLECTION : FIVE ; ──────────────

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Yeojin slowly let go of the warlock, hoping that he was capable enough to stand on his own — which seemed to be the case for now.

"Oh, so powerful witch, do something," she whispered to him as she watched the three guards approach them. She tore her gaze from the guards to him, frowning at his silence. "Do something."

"Look... about that..." His eyes darted back and forth between the guards and her. "I lost it," he confessed almost inaudibly.

"What do you mean, you lost it?" She blurted out, feeling like she needed to add a new name to her murder list. "Are you fvcking kidding me?" She shouted in a whisper. "How did you get the brilliant idea that it would be a good idea to confess this now? HM?"

She couldn't think any more about burying him with the guards when something cracked near them. A stepped on branch. Her attention immediately shifted to the guards.

They were probably here to take them to the king, and to see what two people dressed as castle servants were doing here (very much not in the castle) instead of attending the coronation.

"You two," said one of the guards, "you must come with us." He walked straight up to her, only recognising her face as the fleeting moonbeams betrayed her with their light. "Choi Yeojin?" He said her name for all to hear. "Why is the king's handmaiden..."

She couldn't rely on the warlock, whose freeing — well, not yet complete, but at least the glass cage had gone for Burton — had turned her into a royal traitor, to save her.

"And who are you? I never saw—"

The guard didn't get to finish his sentence because Yeojin stabbed him in the aorta with her hairpin, killing him almost instantly. She had to protect what she was risking her life for.

She glanced at the warlock and motioned for him to step back. He just stared at her in shock, questioning all his life's decisions, like what could have happened to him just thirty minutes ago. Shit, that hairpin was something else.

She pulled out the dagger-like hairpin and looked at the other two as they pointed their swords in her direction. Analysing their weapons, she hoped that one of them would strike first, which fortunately happened.

HER SHADOW'S KING ; PARK JAYWhere stories live. Discover now