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REFLECTION : TWELVE ; ────────────

REFLECTION : TWELVE ; ────────────

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───────────── ; DEAD RABBIT

Jay found himself at a distance from the wooden wall of the house against which he had been leaning, his eyes on his surroundings.

His feet slowly led him into the woods surrounding the house. The red rays of the setting sun pierced through the heavy branches of the pine trees and burned into the bare twigs of the deciduous trees in between.

The blanket of snow felt a little more suffocating to the green than it had before. Maybe because of the fresh snowfall?

The clouds had disappeared from the sky, leaving the eye to watch the transition from day to night, with half of the sky already coloured in a dark blue.

As his body brushed against one of the branches, the snow was shaken off, and the dark green became a mark of the path he had taken. Jay's eyes lingered on the green colour. The dark green that disturbed the perfect fluency of pure white.

His fingertips wandered to another branch, touching it to make the snow fall once more. He looked around him, curious to see if he would find another disturbance to the solitude of loneliness.

His clothes were obviously too thin for this weather, and his body was already numb from the cold. He realised as his breath fogged in front of his sharp eyes.

He had no idea what was keeping him there, the feeling of painful nothingness sinking deeper into his being than it usually should. His fingers slowly curled up into fists and hid themselves under his sleeves at the thought of how weak his body was, how weak he himself really was.

A rabbit.

Jay's brow furrowed at the sight of a red trail in the snow. The drops of blood had sunk into the snow.

Half covered in snow, an injured rabbit. As the wind managed to seep through the heavy snow-covered trees, its grey and brown fur peeked out.

Jay bent down instantly, his sharp eyes glancing over the animal's body before he carefully tried to brush the cold snow off the rabbit. It was still breathing, weakly, but it was breathing.

The small, round eyes opened wide, and the rabbit flinched. To show the rabbit that he was no threat, Jay made eye contact and shook his head.

Its throat had been torn open, causing the animal to suffocate from the loss of oxigene. The wound was the result of a lynx attack.

The warlock was in need of just a little bit. Just a little bit of the power he once had would do.

Jay took a deep breath and immediately saw the result fog up in front of him. The cold had cracked his lips. All he had to do was pick at the centre to make the existing cut on his lips bleed again. The tip of his finger touched his lips, very little red on there, but enough.

HER SHADOW'S KING ; PARK JAYWhere stories live. Discover now