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REFLECTION : SIX ; ──────────────

───────────────── ; ❞ THE RAVEN ❝

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───────────────── ; THE RAVEN

In the chaos of pillows, a dishevelled purple head snapped up in the middle of the night. He had barely opened his feline eyes but could already swear he was ready to curse someone. And by curse, he means literally curse.

Just for a fleeting moment the beating, more like pecking, against the window had stopped and he thought the perpetrator had given up, but no. Just as his head was about to fall into dreamland, it started again.

"I promise you, I will turn Dori into a tiger and have it eat you alive," he muttered to himself as he reluctantly left his bed. His violet hair was a perfect match for the bird's nest in the tree by the window.

He pulled open the window to glare at the terrorist of a bird. "Can't you see I'm busy?" He gritted through his teeth, only to be pecked in the hand.

His eyes widened as he acknowledged the raven's glare. "Woah, look at this magpie glaring at me." The man was incredulous, especially as the bird was about to peck him again. "YAH." The raven continued.

"You know what will happen to you if I bleed. I can fry a bird twenty different ways, I am warning you."

The raven stopped and stared at him before continuing to peck indifferently.

"Aish, I got it." The man exhaled in defeat and held his fingers in pain before meeting the bird's gaze. The brown feline eyes mixed with green and red, and only then did the raven transform into a blonde-haired man dressed entirely in white.

"Lee Minho!" The raven-man grabbed both of the sleepy man's shoulders.

"What do you want from me so much that you couldn't even spare me my slee—"

"I found him."

All of Minho's sleepiness was gone. "You what?"

"I finally found him." The blond's lips curled into a smile. "I found Jay."

The raven was immediately dragged out of the bedroom and pushed down the stairs to the front door. Minho grabbed the nearest coat and pushed him out of the house.

"Show me." He gestured with his hand. "Go." With the blood-red flicker in his feline eyes, the blond man turned back into a raven and flew off, the other following close behind on the ground.

HER SHADOW'S KING ; PARK JAYWhere stories live. Discover now