Venting about venting uwu

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TW: none

I don't know why the fuck I made this or am posting this but here I am.

(I'm such a fucking copycat)

Would like to start off with sometimes I'm not sure whether its venting or complaining.

I would love to vent to someone. My parents, my friends, my closest and longest friend but I for some reason keep on linking people's minds to my own or some fictional mind that I made up and I know is fake but its still there.

Parents: They may think that they are a bad parent and aren't taking good care of me

Friends: They will compare their problems to mine and think, "Oh I really think my life is shit.. LOOK AT THEIRS!!" and they my also feel uncomfortable, not know how to react or what to say, not know whether they wanna continue talking to me.

Closest and longest friend: She may not understand or will pick up my unhealthy coping mechanisms and then thats something else for her to deal with along with all the shit she already has.

Common problem: They will all constantly think about it and that is now how I'm labeled.

Some I know is fake but not totally and that plagues me. Some might actually be true. I also don't know what to do after because I would rather talk about my issues in person than call or text. That person may ask how they can help but I don't know and now we are both in a awkward spot caused by me.

Some things do get told tho.

Vent igTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang