Yummy yummy gemder

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TW: none??

I don't really have any issues with my gender other than my family and friends that I haven't come out to (They are homophobic) misgender me. I am non binary and my main issue was my hair and now that's fixed.

Things would be great but these fucking kids at my school call me it.

"Look! It is about .to finish running!"

"Hey look, its it"

"Yo what is it doing in line"

"Thats it over there"

Fucking stupid. It bugs me a l o t. AND THOSE SAME KIDS ARE LIKE, "Hey would you date him?" *points to member of group*

"Out of ten, how cute is he?" *points to other member*

They also ask my friend if we are dating.

I'm not sure if this other kid is apart of this group but he called me and my friend lesbians. I wouldn't have a problem but they meant it in a mean way. Just shows that he doesn't know what friendship is. All he does all day is call people gay and it.

I wish people weren't homophobic or transphobic. Or maybe there was just no gender at all. Things would be better. Though, this is also coming from a Non Binary person...

Sometimes Chara and the creature barge in and are just like, "Hey, hey! What if you kill yourself?"

"But I don't want to!"

"Everything would be resolved though."

"No. It would make things worse for others."

"WHO THE FUCK LET CHARA OUT OF JAIL!?" says Ink Sans, putting Chara back in the jailcell in my head, next to Bloodmoon (My homicidal thoughts).

But yeah. Fuck gender. Can't wait to be out of my parent's house (because of gender and sexuality)

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