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TW: None

Since a bit into Bovid, I started going on my electronics when I'm supposed to be sleeping. It started with watching YT on my Switch to playing WCUE on my laptop to just being on my laptop.

I do it nightly and have been caught few times but have had excuses.

I want to stop because it is giving me less sleep and more screen time but now it's the only time me and my friend can truly RP. Either one is busy, around our parents, or in school. I'm gonna work on finding an alternative because I want this to stop. I don't really like having the fear of being caught. I would rather get more sleep because my mind is already active enough. I'm on the internet and screens enough. Now only other reason other than RP I would get on is to watch Willow or Moon stream and they normally stream on the weekends, not weekdays when I have school. Weekends is fine.

Staying up late has possibly affected my mental health and just doesn't help me function that well in general. Doesn't mean I have less energy, I will have the same amount whether I get sleep or not. :/

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