I'm confused

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TW: Self harm, not eating (Just talk about it)


So I'm gonna have to test this over a couple of days but if I didn't self harm yet (or it's night) I'll just want to not eat, not that I'm not hungry it's just Creature says (Thing in my head that I have named some of my thoughts if that makes sense), "You don't deserve food" but then when I self harm that urge has gone away. Like if I have messed up a couple of times or thoughts have bugged me I'll think that. But if I'm having a good day, no urges for anything. Now a good day is different than normal day and my days are mainly based on how it was mentally. A good day is where I'm not thinking about how I look to others or think about what I say or do too much.

I would eat nothing for lunch if it weren't for me buying my food with a friend there. Also, normally during P.E. (right after lunch) I don't have that much energy or am upset mentally, but this time, only have had a small strawberry yogurt for lunch, I was just better. Though this is also based off of one day.

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