Boys in PE

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TW: Mention of sex and self harm

Carson isn't the kid's real name. 

These boys who are in PE same period as me have been trying to convince me to date one of them. Specifically Carson is the one they want me to date bc he has a crush on me (?) They've been doing this for a couple of days now. They asked if I was gay or if I supported the  community. I said yes to make them go away but they didn't. They kept on asking questions about my type, if I had a crush, if I was dating my best friend. I had expressed that I don't want to date anyone but they ignored that.

At one point it got sexual. They asked whether I would come home with one of them and slam. Also asked if I thought a relay baton was a decent size and if I would scissor. At least the kid who had a crush on me said it was too far.  I was uncomfortable and about to cry but was able to control my voice. As soon as PE ended, I got back to the locker room as fast as I could. I didn't want to go to 7th period science in the mood I was in so I self harmed.

Once school got out, I rushed to my locker, grabbed my backpack and sped walked my way down the hall and stairs. I looked around to see if any of them was around downstairs (they weren't) and I wanted to run but resisted. Luckily none of them talked to me (More specifically Carson)

I am planning on telling my PE teacher and the counseler. Also my parents know. 

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