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It bugs me that I rarely cry. I get the feeling and I try to force it but nothing. When i do cry, it's normally around the time of my period so therefore I call it fake tears. People will be like, "Yeah I normally cry for an hour". I'll see stuff like that but i can barely cry for five minutes. I'll cry for stupid reasons too. I'll cry over fear of not being able to easily imagine things anymore. It's dumb.

I wouldn't have an issue crying infront if others if my mind didn't say stuff.

"You look fucking ugly"

"You sound really annoying"

"Attention seeker"

"Now your inconveniencing them"


"You can't handle shit"

I'm sorry to those I have cries in front of. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Topic of crying, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS CRYING. I'll just wanna hide or run away. I get scared. I panic. I just don't know how to help people. Another issue with that is that I feel I need to stay in character. Can't care too much for others. Can't show physical affection. Can't be showing too much emotion. I also feel like I'm new to friendships. 

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