Chapter 9

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I woke up to light pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes to see my cat sleeping peacefully. I slowly sat up, moving her onto my bed so I could get up. I walked down the stairs and found my dad cooking in the kitchen.

"Hi Dad, what are you cooking?" I asked.

"Spaghetti, now set the table and get your sister to help you." He said.

I quickly turned on my heels and made my way to my sister's room, I knocked on the door, and she swung it open.

"Yes?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Dad wants us to set the table, so chop chop squirt!" I said as I slowly walked away.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" She screamed as she chased after me.

I felt my phone go off in my pocket as we ate dinner. I pulled it out and checked my notifications, Micheal had sent me a photo.

"Put it away, Jax." My dad said referring to my phone.

"Sorry, just, one second," I replied, quickly checking what Micheal had sent me.

I opened the app and saw the image he'd sent me. It was a picture of his hardened dick leaking pre. I felt my face flush red and my pants tightened around my crotch.

"JAXON! PUT THE FUCKING PHONE, AWAY!" My dad yelled at me.

I quickly turned the device off and ate my food.

"Is he ready yet?" I asked Micheal.

"Almost, how would you feel if I took you out for dinner sometime?" He inquired.

I thought for a second before deciding on my answer.

"Yeah, I'd love that."

"You'd love what?" Max asked as he tried to do his tie.

"Uh...I'd love to sleep over tonight!"

"Oh, ok," Max said finally getting his tie right.

Micheal let out a quiet breath. I checked the time on my phone '9:03 am'.

"Max, let's go. We're late for school."

As soon as Max was done, he grabbed his bag and walked out the door. I went to follow, but Micheal stopped me, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Tomorrow night, I'll take you out for dinner." He whispered against my lips before kissing me again.

"Sure, bye,"

I was standing in front of my mirror in nothing but my underwear. I was trying to figure out what to wear. I heard a knock on my door, so I walked over and opened it. I saw my dad standing there with a stern look on his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting ready for a date, why?"

"Are you gonna come home tonight?"

"I don't know, maybe. We'll see," I paused "Did you need something?"

"Your mum wants to talk to you, put on some fucking pants" He spat the second half of the sentance.

I quickly grabbed a pair of black jeans and pulled them over my legs. I walked down the hall to my parent's room where I saw my mum, she was sick-really sick. She was like skin and bone now. We knew she didn't have much time left, so she was being moved to a hospital tonight. I slowly approached her and knelt down on the floor next to the bed.

"Hi Mum" I whispered.

"Jaxon, I want you to know I love you very much and hope you find the right boy for yourself." She croaked out.

"Yeah, I love you too, Mum. I love you too. You're the best mum in the entire world, you know that, right?" I replied, feeling the tears pulling at my eyes.

"Thank you, your dad will get better. He's trying, okay? He loves you." She spoke, then coughed harshly.

We were seated at a table in a more secluded area of the restaurant, we talked as we waited for our food to arrive.

"So, your last year of high school. Do you know what you want to do after school, for a job?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I wanna be a teacher," I replied.

He let out a light laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just remember when you were younger you wanted to work for me because you thought my job was super cool." He said.

"OH! I remember that I thought it would be so cool to work with you. "

"Yeah, but you know how my line of work is dangerous, right?"

"Yeah, I know now, but I didn't when I was younger. I thought you were just super cool."

"Y'know, I'm curious. When did you start having an interest in me? Like, romantically?"

"Around when I was 15 or 16, I know that's a long time holding in my feelings, but I couldn't tell you. I was a kid, it would be wrong if you liked me and you're my best friends Dad!"

"I know, but it's okay if and when Max finds out about us, he'll probably be mad, but he'll understand that it's not his life, it's our lives and we can live them how we want to."

I smiled at his words, feeling the butterflies erupt in my stomach.

After we left the restaurant we went back to my house and to my room.

"Aren't your parents home? Your dad would kill me if he found out about us" He chuckled.

"No, he's at the hospital with my mum for the night, I'm responsible for Mia tonight."


He pulled me into a hug as he saw the sadness and heartbreak in my eyes. I let the silent tears fall before quickly falling tired after my long day. He helped me get changed into my pyjamas, then got undressed to his underwear and climbed under the covers with me. He pulled me closer to him, him being the big spoon. He traced small circles on my stomach through my shirt, lulling me into a deep sleep.

I felt my cat, Princess, jump onto the spot on the bed in front of me and duck under the covers, finding immediate warmth and snuggling up to me.

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