Chapter 15

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As I was lying down in Max's bed, I started sobbing harder. I held the covers over my mouth to muffle my screams and cries, I cried for so long that my vocal cords gave out, silencing me. I cried myself into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't in Max's bed anymore. I was in Micheals' bed now. I immediately remembered why I was there and started crying again. The slow tears fell from my eyes as I curled myself up into a little ball and went back to sleep. I stayed in the house, refusing to leave the bedroom for days. Micheal stayed with me while Max was at school and his mums'. I avoided my dad and sister at all costs.

"Jax? You need to eat something. You're getting skinnier, and you need water, too." Micheal explained as he hugged me closer to him.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled into his chest, the sleep still clinging to me, trying to take over again.

"I know you say you aren't hungry, but will you just eat something? For me?" He asked.

"..fine, for you. But only if I choose what to eat."

"Sure baby. What would you like to eat?" He asked, gliding his hand up and down my back in a soothing manner.

He leaned over to grab his phone and place the order.

"It'll be here in 25 minutes. Anything you wanna do while we wait?"

"No, I wanna stay here," I said, lifting my face from his chest and looking up at him.

"Okay, anything you want." He leaned down and placed a comforting kiss on my lips.

I quickly kissed back. It sent shots of a warm fuzzy feeling through my body.

"I'm sorry about your mum, Jax. She was a lovely woman and deserved more time. If you ever need to talk, just know I'm here for you okay?"

"I know."

I was standing in front of my bedroom mirror, wearing a black suit when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in..." I mumbled, sitting down on my bed.

My cat ran up to me and jumped into my lap, I stroked her soft fur.

"Come on kiddo, we have to be there in 20. Get in the car," My dad spoke from the door way of my room.

"Okay," I whisperd, moving the cat and walking past my dad.

As I was passing Mia's room, I saw her sitting on her bed, her arms wrapped around her body.

"Hey, can I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah, She sniffled.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her tears seeping through my shirt, but that was an issue for later.

"I- I didn't go see her! I missed my chance to see her to be with a friend! God, what is wrong with me?" She cried into my chest.

"Hey, you couldn't have known that she was going to die that day. Be glad that you weren't there to see it, okay?"

"I know, but I just feel so guilty because I wasn't there for her when she needed us the most. I should have been there, you and I both know that!"

"I know, but that's in the past now, we can't change how things happen, but we can change our reactions towards them."


We stayed like that for a minute until we had to head to the car.

"Come on. I know you're upset, I am too. But at some point we have to do this and we're doing it today. Okay?" I reassured her as I wiped the tears from her eyes.

We walked down the stairs together, to find Dad waiting for us at the front door.

"Let's go." He said.

We all walked out the door and piled into the car.

The funeral was held in the church, all of our friends and family were there. I stood by Mias' side the entire time, never leaving her.

Ik this chapter is REALLY short and well over due, but I just haven't been motivated to write this lately. Hopefully my writers block fucks off soon and I can update more frequently. This chapter and the last one were both incredibly sad but Ill make up for it soon, I promise!!

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