Chapter 6 first selection start.

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TW: swearing

Word count: 571

1st POV

"For the first selection all of you in wing 5 will have a round robin tournament with all five teams. After the final match the top two teams will clear the selection. It's a survival match."

The screen then showed a point value chart three if you win one if you draw and zero if you lose. I then heard Chigiri start to speak

"Huh? So all Eleven of us in team z count as one team? Even though we're all forwards...?"

"That means we'll have to play other positions or have everyone be striker." I spoke

After that everyone started to argue over what position they wanted and of course everyone wanted center forward.

"Correct Yasu, soccer is mainly a game about scoring points. Having all Eleven players as forwards makes perfect sense."

'Of course I'm correct'

"The positions and tactics that have been stupidly imprinted on your brains were just roles that were created as part of soccer's evolution. When soccer first started, all players were strikers. Play soccer from that starting point. Rebuild it from zero in your heads. Throw away any common sense you've learned up until now and pound this new concept into your brains."

'I mean he's not wrong in this sense he's actually correct, he's just explaining this in a very creepy way.'

I then moved my hand so they clasped together leaning further into Chigiri.

"What Japan needs most of all to win the world cup isn't the teamwork of eleven people it's for one person to be a hero. Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar soccer evolution is limitless thanks to them. The defense system was created to stop them and new tactics are required to surpass that. One person's play can change a team a country and even the world. Do you have that courage to dream of winning the world cup? Are you ready for battle? All if it is in blue lock!!!"

'I plan on surviving I won't only win the world I'll become the worlds best striker to prove them wrong!'

"At the end of ten matches, the bottom three will be eliminated and all members will be forced to leave blue lock. However! Players from the three losing teams will have a chance for a comeback once all the matches are over each team will have a top scorer. Whoever scores the most goals on each team will move on to the next round."

'I have a feeling this system is going to backfire very quick and very fast. I'll have to watch my back.'

" If there is a tie between players we'll use a fair play point system. And whoever has the least penalty points is the winner."

After Ego said that the points appeared on screen with a yellow card being minus 1, getting two yellow card in one match would be minus 3, a red card being minus 4, and finally getting a red card after already having a yellow would be minus 4 points. If the points are the same then whoever is ranked the highest will advance.

"This first selection will test your destinies as strikers! This is a battle to rebuild soccer from zero the first match is in two hours team x vs team z!"

A/n sorry for the short chapter I wanted the match between team X and Z to be a full chapter.

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