Chapter 14 Chigiri past

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TW: swearing


After beating Team Y we all went back to the room to celebrate by eating other foods we wouldn't normally eat.
Which was good because I was getting tired of bacon and eggs no matter how good they taste. Chigiri sat near the wall so I sat next to him with two plates. Mine had some cut-up steak, an omelet, salad, and a gyoza.


I gave him a thumbs-up as we started eating.
Kuon then walked into the room with more side dishes, To be honest he kind of looked like a lunch lady. Igaguri tried to get everyone to share his pickled radish but no one wanted it including myself. Kunigami started talking to Isagi about his goal and his weapons about smelling a goal. I zoned out until my name was mentioned.

"Oh yeah, Katsu what was up with the goal scoring?" Kunigami asked

Soon almost everyone's eyes were on me. So I answered.

"A promise."

Rachi then commented "Hmph I don't buy it. To who?"


Rachi got up and was about to walk over to me when Kuon put hand arm over Rachi's chest making him sit down.

"We managed to win whats in the past doesn't matter now. Team Z will fight on!"


As the night came to a close I almost snuck away unnoticed to go but my phone back with my three goals until Chigiri caught me while I was walking past the monitoring room.

"What are you still doing up?"

"I could ask the same."

Seeing no choice I sat down next to him my legs crossed. We sat in comfortable silence for a while until he asked something.

" I can tell you leave during the night. You're not exactly quiet about it but the others are mostly heavy sleepers. Where do you go?

I decided to answer half honestly.

"Around... "

"Ok, around where." He replied in an annoyed tone

"Around the other wings, I got bored so I decided to explore. It's not like Ego is stopping me. "


We sat in silence again for a few more minutes Chigiri watching the goal Isagi made earlier. Until I spoke.

" You asked a question so it's only fair if I get to ask one. "

Chigiri nods his face not leaving the screen.

" Did you injure your knee, you wrap it up every night. You don't have to answer just curious."

As he was about to answer Isagi walked into the room.

"Isagi why are you here?" Chigiri asked

"Chigiri, Yasu?" Isagi questioned

"Uh... I couldn't sleep" Isagi quickly responded

"I was watching your goal. No wonder you can't sleep scoring a goal like this... Is an incredible moment for a striker."

I slightly frowned at the fact that he didn't complement my three goals from earlier, Unaware that he watched mine before Isagi or I went into the room. Isagi went further into the room and sat on Chigiri's left side while I was on the right.

"I doubt I could do it again if I tried. All I did was run but there I still don't understand my power..."

Chigiri then said, "You have really strong spatial awareness."

I spoke up " It's like you know what you're opponents are going to do. Like predicting the future "

" Yeah... Most players can only see what's in their field of vision and make judgments based on that. But In your case, you're able to see the whole field. Like looking right above it." Chigiri replied

I spoke up again "If you could learn how to use not on instinct you could be a powerful opponent."

"I agree your eyes and mind will become unrivaled weapons," Chigiri spoke up

Isagi then laughed

" Thanks Chigiri, Yasu you both look super serious and Yasu you look tired all the time but in reality, you're both great guys!"

"Not really" we both responded at the same time

After Isagi was done laughing he then asked a question.

By the way, what's your guy's weapon you didn't tell us back when everyone was saying theirs.

Chigiri responded first.

" Like I told you then I don't wanna say..."

Isagi then looked at me

"Sorry, you're not going to get anything. Maybe I'll tell you later."

Isagi then sighed and spoke

"Come on tell me! If there's anything I can do I wanna help you both, too! Let me be a proper teammate and help you guys back!"

"Just forget it it doesn't matter..."

Chigiri folded his hands on his knees as he brought them close to his chest.

"No way. it's important right?"

'We probably shouldn't push him too far. But I am really curious about his knee. I'll let this continue but if it goes too far I'll stop him.'

Chigiri then spoke.

"One year ago I tore the ACL in my right knee. The doctor said that if I get hurt in the same spot my athletic career is pretty much over."

Chigiri then stood up and he continued speaking.

" So even though it's healed, I can't play like I used to. I used to have one too, Isagi a weapon as amazing as yours. There were nights when I was so high off my goals that I couldn't sleep. And times that I dreamed of being the world's best striker. But now I'm scared of getting injured again. I'm scared of losing my dream. And those moments that felt so good.

Chigiri then started to walk out of the room

"I came to Blue Lock to find a reason to give up my dream. Yasu, Isagi after seeing your goals I feel like I'll be able to give up."

Isagi spoke up

"Don't try and put this on someone else. You don't want to give up, do you? I'm the same as you I'm scared I'm fighting because I don't want it to end nobody can achieve their dream if they aren't prepared to fail!!"

Chigiri stopped walking and turned around.

"You don't know shit about me."

With that, he walked out of the room and ruffled his hair who looked confused about what Chigiri had said.

"Don't worry too much about him don't take what he said to heart."

Isagi looked slightly better after I told him that.

"Thank Yasu..."

"You're welcome I'm gonna catch up with him I'll see you later."

I then turned around before exiting the room.

"That was a good goal Isagi I know I said that already, but I'm serious, not sarcastic this time"

"Thank you!" He replied

I walked out of the room to catch up with Chigiri.

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