Chapter 8 A speech by Ego

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TW: swearing

Word count: 1k

1st POV

"It was a mistake to make Isagi the center forward in the first place! Next match, I should be the one on top!" Raichi yelled

'Can you be quiet for five minutes...'

Everyone then started to argue about who should be center forward while Isagi looked down in despair. I removed my shirt and took a sip of water. Then the unexpected happened Kuon yelled.

"Give it a rest all of you! Playtime's over!!"

'I agree Kuon.'

"Do you understand the position we're in?! We're a team that's already lost once."

Igaguri then stood up.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Short explanation "genius" is that we're doomed if we don't win the next round." I told Igaguri

"Exactly!" Kuon commented, then continued

"Listen this selection round is a round robin tournament for five teams. Only the top two teams get to stay. Hypothetically if every team got two wins and two losses we'd all have six points. That means our goal is to end with more than seven points. We need seven!! The situation of course would change with lots of draws but we at least need two wins and a draw. In other words no matter what if a team loses twice there's no way they can get seven points to win. This team is already one loss from the end!! That's why we can't just be thinking of ourselves right now if we don't seriously think about how to win it's over for all of us! "

Igaguri for a second time spoke

"Then do you have some kind of idea?"

"No not yet..." Kuon replied

"Then that's not helpful at all!"

"I have an idea. That game and goal I made gave me some insight on how to win." I told the group

All eyes were faced towards me, I was about to continue speaking until I was interrupted by Raichi yelled.

"Oh gimme a break you didn't do anything the entire game! You're just trying to sneak by on this team!"

"It's called strategy" I rolled my eyes at him, as imaginary smoke left his ears.

Anyway I noticed Barou had talent, he used that to his advantage to make his team circle around him turning them into his puppets.

Bachria then went into the room with nothing but a towel and agreed.

"Agreed! That was a great goal. A goal is a goal if we do that a bunch we'll win right! Right Isagi!"

Naruhaya then yelled out

"There's no way we can keep making lucky shots like that one!"

"I wasn't lucky..." I murmured

"Doesn't this have some kind of meaning. This must be a test!"

Chigiri then spoke up while grabbing his drink for the fridge.

" I don't think that shot in particular was lucky... And not everything Ego says is true.

He then made his way towards me and sat back down

"He said this is to win the world cup and talked about famous soccer players but not all of them have won the world cup."

He then took a sip of his drink then continued.

"However he did say 'this is a battle to rebuild soccer form zero'. I think that might be some kind of hint."

Iasgi spoke up

"Hey everyone I still don't know what we need to do to win, but I think know what rebuilding soccer from zero means."

"Then what the hell is it, loser spit it out then." Raichi said

As Isagi started to explain I turned and tapped Chigiri on the shoulder?


"Thank you..." I whispered

"For what?" He whispered back with genuine confusion on his face.

"You defended me earlier for my goal and told them what I obviously couldn't."

"You're welcome."

"Can you brush my hair..." I asked

He nodded his head yes and pulled out a hairbrush from who knows where, possibly his invisible pocket. I then turned around and sat crosslegged on the bench. He started untying the ponytail, and started brushing, making me relax. As he was brushing my hair Isagi was done with his explanation. In short someone needed to become a light for everyone else to revolve around. Then Ego appeared on screen.

"Yep, You're getting warmer. Ha you lumps of talent, the second match in wing 5 just finished up. Team V crushed team Y 8-0. Here are the current rankings"

I turned my head a little so I could so the rankings with team V in first team X in second team W in third us in forth and finally team Y in last. I then turned back around and signaled Chigiri to continue brushing my hair.

"You're on the right track with your thinking but it seem like you don't understand the method."

'I do, but I can't explain shit so I'll have you do it for me'

"For example let's talk about Japan and it's people. Japanese like to be given roles to fulfill for others and the good of the world. They are skilled at devoting themself to their roles and see it as a virtue. In sports the only sport we can major in is baseball. Pitcher, catcher, infielder, outfielders, and first and forth batters. All of them on a large field and no one collides with each other. This sport has clearly defined roles that they can play and is extraordinary suited for Japanese inherit traits. This is why they're so strong."

'It makes sense... Somewhat'

"Soccer is different. This game is designed so you can't win based on completely focusing on your role. That's why what's needed is everyones self made effort. Your own personal power. Are you aware of which positions Japanese soccer is best known for by the rest of the world?"


"Midfielder and full back! This country produces excellent players whose roles are to put their team before themselves! This is why revolution will never happen."

'Didn't I say that about an hour ago?'

"Now you lumps of talent time to rewrite your brains. Scoring points in soccer is destroying opponents organization. A striker is a destroyer! They cause a revolution on the field!! Don't let yourselfs accept being confined by your roles! Take arms and do it using your own personal weapons!! Makes fools of your enemies destroy them!! Find out what only you can do with your body and mind!! Achieving the revolution known as a goal can only be done with your own weapons!! That's the only place you'll find victory."

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