Chapter 15 Follow the leader

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TW: swearing

Word count: 723

Picture taken by me

"Oi! Chigiri hold on"

Chigiri walked faster toward the lunchroom and sat down at one of the nearby tables. We both sat down in comfortable silence until I spoke.

" So you're giving up?" I asked

"I have a perfectly good reason to not play anymore can't you see Yasu? If I get injured one more time my soccer career is over. If cut ties with soccer I can... "

He then looked at the floor not finishing his sentence.

" What you scared of your leg getting injured again? The fear of not being able to play anymore? Or maybe is it losing your talent?"

Chigiri continued to look at the ground.

'Seems I hit a nerve...'

Chigiri stood up his firsts in clenching at his sides " I think we should both head back we have an important match tomorrow," he started to walk away.

"Your words have given me something to think about."

We both walked back to Team Z's room with everyone asleep. Chigiri and I went to our futons and fell asleep.

--------------The next morning around 10am-----------

Isagi pov

"You missed so time to switch Isagi!" Igaguri said

"Guess that goal in the game was a fluke" Rachi replied

Kuon then broke out any arguments before they could start " Let's keep going to polish up our plays before the next big game!"

'Everyone is so much better than me and I get tired so fast. My weapon is smelling goals we figured out it's based on spatial awareness. But I still have no idea how to actually use it.' I thought

'And Chigiri got mad at me for saying too much he sure is scary I'm just holding the others back during practice I can't keep going like this. I don't want it to end with just a single fluke.'

-----Meanwhile Yasu is in a different training area

Back to regular POV

I sat in the middle of the circle of the field drinking my water as I finished practicing my reaction time by kicking a ball as hard as I could towards the wall and then aiming it towards the goal

I'm starting to get bored... I need to get better if I plan on getting them to acknowledge my skills. Anyway, where's emo vector? I haven't heard from him in a while.'

I started to stand up and go again until a TV lowered itself into the room

"Howdy, you lumps of talent. Yakisoba sauce and mayonnaise really are made for each other."

'Glad he's back, although I don't have a problem if he eats, but could he do it when I'm not so tired.'

"The sixth match just finished. Here are the results and new rankings"

 Here are the results and new rankings"

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Now here's the spice... I'm Changing up the ranking system which until now has been based on your test scores and gameplay as stikers you must prove your own worth with goals. Therefore those who score more valuable goals will be ranked higher so team Z's top current player is you... Katsu Yasu"

I then heard a yell from the other room

"You piece of shit!"

'uh oh...'

Ego continued his speech

" I said that your weapon was the first condition to be a striker but if you stop finding it it'll be wasted your next step to figure out. Is how to best polish that weapon and make it stand out.

"Figure out what to multiply that one to make it even stronger. Find only the play you can make. Stand-out talent is just a lump of ore and if you don't polish it it's nothing but trash."

'Great we're doing math now... But what's my equation for my goal of success.'

A timer then appeared on the screen that showed the next match between Team W and Team Z within 24 hours.

I stretched real quick then walked over to the side of the field to start running. Until I noticed the team right behind me...

"How troublesome..." I said

"Don't think for one second you're better than me!" Rachi yelled

'Looks like Ego's speech inspired them... Damn and here I thought I was gonna train alone.'

As I was finishing my final lap I noticed Chigiri at the front of the door to the training area.

A/N: I'm back.

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