Chapter 12 Turn of events

170 9 2

TW: swearing

Word count: 687

Picture taken by me

'Isagi seems to be figuring it out. Slow but better than expected.'

"Gather in front of the goal it doesn't matter what you can do just Cram in there!"

Everyone except for me and Niko began fighting for control over the goal, as Bachira went over to take the Corner kick, just as Bachira kicked the ball Isagi dashed over to where Niko was. Team Y's goalie punched the ball and it landed on Isagi's chest in front on Niko.

'He's starting to understand. Good...'

Isagi then took the ball and tried to shoot from the top of the 18. But he missed I went in front of Gagamaru trapping the ball on my chest turning around and shooting the ball for it to land in the back of the net.

"Nice pass... Isagi."

'Don't think he intended for that to be a pass.'

I quickly moved out of the way as Gagamaru body then crashed into the goal post.

"Sorry Gagamaru." I apologized

"It's fine."

I felt a bit bad considering I was taking goals left and right, but remembered I just needed enough for my phone back.

"We're winning now! That was an awesome reaction!! Naruhaya yelled

Niko and Isagi started talking about how they could see the same eyes. I stood off to the side then Niko walked up to me and spoke softly.

" I saw you earlier during that corner kick can you see what your teammate and I see? Do we have the same eyes?"

I then responded back

" Let's call it a strong prediction the rest I'm sure you can find out on your own."

With that I walked back our half of the field leaving a confused and slightly angry Niko.

This time I was the right mid behind Gagamaru and in front of Raichu, I mean Raichi!


The formation had Naruhaya at the top his weapon navigating the enemy's defense and breaking through. Isagi tried to pass to Naruhaya but was intercepted by a member of team Y.

"Protect the goal don't let them score any more points team Y!! If we lose it's all ove!!"

Some random team Y teammate shouted. They tried to pass to Niko, but stopped by Isagi. The pair Niko and Isagi talked further about their weapons. The next formation and final formation had Igarashi up top.

'I still have my doubts about that guy, let's hope he can prove me wrong...'

With that I moved to defense next to Chigiri Igarashi then shouted.

"All right my weapon is my unrelenting plays! Strong defense and fast offence! Homage to the almighty Buddha!"

'We're doomed, oh well at least I'm in defense so the goal isn't completely hopeless. We also have Raichi back here who I hate to admit is pretty good at defense due to his unlimited stamina.'

While everyone was going after team Y's ball I once again snuck up behind one of the players and took the ball and ran to there side of the half.

Team Y took notice and yelled.

"Stop him!"

I flicked the ball pass them and megged the ball betweed there legs finally I was at the top of the box before Niko stopped me. He spoke again.

"Show me what you mean by prediction Mr fortune teller"

" Ah no thanks... That name doesn't fit for me"

I dribbled the ball towards him as Niko ran towards me before realizing his mistake that was too late to fix. I pulled the ball back towards me knocking Niko off balance and turned me and ball past him. I shot my leg back and the ball went to the back of the net. I then went towards Niko and squatted next to him

" This was a one sided game of chess you are all my pawns, this is checkmate for you. "

Niko stood back up feeling defeated but also determined. I walked back to my spot not really planning on doing much else now that I have three.

'Maybe Isagi might score another goal and will need my help.'

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