Chapter 10 Race to 3 Team Y vs team z

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TW: swearing

Word count: 1.1k

Chigiri POV at 1:35 am

I woke up for a glass of water. But when I tried to get up someone was holding onto my waist. I started to raise my left to kick them off, but stopped when I saw who it was.


A slight blush appeared on my face but disappeared as soon as it arrived. I ran my hand through his hair messing with it. Yasu leaned into my touch and continued to sleep.

'Does he even realize he moves in his sleep?'

With a heavy sigh, I decided to stay and not get up. I rolled on my side facing him. My head was placed on top of his hair, falling back asleep.

*The following day 6:55 am*

I woke up with Yasu still in my arms and him holding onto my waist.

'The others will be waking up soon it'll be embarrassing if he or one of the others wakes up and see this.'

I tried to pry his arms off my waist but he wouldn't let go. After about a minute I rolled on my back and pried his arms off me. A few minutes later the lights turned on and Yasu started to stir.

1st POV

I saw a bright light through my eyes I knew it was time to wake up but I didn't care. So I rolled over again to avoid the light until I felt a finger poking me in the back.

"Oi Wake up."

I continued to try and sleep until it got annoying.

"I'm up."

My eyes with my hands and sat up to face the person that woke me up. It was Chigiri.

I laid down on my stomach facing Chigiri. We both sat (layed) there awkwardly staring at each other, until I looked at the wall behind him trying to wake up. We sat there for what felt like an eternity, in reality it was 30 seconds then before he spoke.

"After the game with team Y, there's something I need to tell you."


I gave him a thumbs-up and stretched my arms. The rest of the team woke up excluding Bachria who was still half asleep. To listen to Kuon discuss the plan against team Y.

"This is a highly offense-based system that was designed to make the best use of our weapons. We'll divide up the time and take terms acting as forwards. For that person to shine we'll make a formation around them and support them."

"The plan will work but what's the order?" I asked

"Good question we'll go by ranking."

Then Naruhaya spoke up

"What about the other positions it'll get chaotic if we all change positions at once."

"If we rotate clockwise it should be fine. You'll just be shifting into a spot nearby."

"Having eleven people rotate through goalkeeper is too risky For our defense. If it's to win I don't mind being a permanent goalkeeper." Iemon said

Then Chigiri spoke up

"I don't mind staying defense the rest of you can use your weapons."

"Ha! If you can assert yourselves here then you don't have what it takes! I don't really wanna do it but I'll go along with the plan this time!" Raichi said

Kuon started to do calculations to see how much time we would get.

"Okay then... Each of us gets ten minutes. We'll rotate through the nine of us excluding Iemon and Chigiri."

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