Chapter2 Wouldn't See A Biker Chick Walking Down The Aisle Towards You

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Chapter2 Wouldn't see a biker chick walking down the aisle towards you.

[e d i t e d]

(12th Grade - Summer before Senior Year)

____Ashley's POV____

I looked at my reflection in the greasy bathroom mirror. My eyes stung from the memories I couldn't erase even after trying.

I'd just had another fight with my mom.

And as usual she kept quiet, refusing to give me credit for the mistakes I'd made two years back.

As usual I left her with tears in her eyes.

Why did I have to be so god damn f*ucked up?

The memory of my breakup with Kyler was still fresh in my head,  as if it only happened yesterday.

Though I blamed him for everything... My conscience won't allow me to accept it myself.

Because it wasn't him who lead to the deaths of my dad and my brother.

It was me.

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath in.

You didn't come here to get all depressed in a local pub's stinky bathroom. You came here to distract yourself.

Bracing myself for an intoxicating hormonal night, I walked out of the door, not bothering to fix my mascara smudges.


Sh*t freaking sirens.

I quickly scrambled off the bed, pushing away the random guy I'd just met.

"You know.. um... if you had just told me, I would have taken it slower..."

I threw him an amused look before rolling my eyes as I adjusted my skirt. Picking up my top from the floor I quickly put it on as I prepared for my departure.

"What are you doing?" He asked,  scratching his pretty blonde head.

"Can't you hear the commotion down there?" I gestured towards the ground floor of the pub. "We need to leave."

Guessing what I was saying was right, he dressed up within no time, snatching my hand and leading me towards a window at the back of the room.

What was his name again?

All I knew was that his older brother owned the building and this room was sort of his hang out place aka his dirty place.

I climbed down the window easily, with months of sneaking-out-practice. Once we both were on the ground level, he snatched my hand again - before I could even react - and broken out in a sprint.

Well, never seen a one night stand get so protective.

Anyway, I ran along with him through narrow alleys and dimly lit roads. It must've been around two in the morning.

"Doesn't your brother own a license for the place?" I asked out of curiosity and really out of breath.

"He does. But drugs - with or without license - invite the cops."


"Oh crap." He muttered under his breath, before ducking my head in a nearby bush before hiding behind me.

I watched with utmost boredom as two cops walked past us, cribbing about reckless teenagers and pot.

"Come on," he tugged at my arm. "This way."

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