Chapter7 Coincidence Or Fate's F*cking Conspiracy?!

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Chapter7 Coincidence Or Fate's F*cking Conspiracy?!

___Jacob's POV___

Currently its lunch and I'm sitting with Ashley, Everly, Nick, Peter and Jasmine. It didn't take long enough for them to mingle with me, though its my first day today. They all gladly welcomed me, and already quoted me as their FRIEND.

Although, I'm uncertain about Ashley. You know, about US being FRIENDS. She's been nice to me ever since she ACTUALLY met me, that is when she fell off the stairs. I was there, COINCIDENTLY. And she slipped into my arms. It seemed like, she BELONGED there.....her skin was so soft, just like velvet....

URGH!! Get a grip Jacob! You sound like a girl!!

I'll change my track of thinking then. Yep, thats better. At present, Nick is the one, engaging me in a conversation about the 'Illeffects of having burgers at Prestige High canteen'. Jasmine and Everly are debating about, 'Whether a blah blah celeb should marry his blah blah girlfriend or not'.

I didn't have the slightest bit of an impression that, Everly would involve herself in such a GIRLY conversation. Hmm....Appearances are deceptive afterall. I shouldn't have judged her by her tomboyish dressing sense. Then, there's Peter, he seems to be totally involved in the Harry Potter book he is reading. He's a shy guy, and absolutely contradicting to the guy next to me, who is enlightening me on burgers.

Out of all these people around me, it seems as though there's an invisible spotlight around Ashley. She's terribly quiet, except for nodding to anything, the questions, ever excited Jasmine throws her way. We didn't have much of a conversation today, except for,

'Which class next, Jacob?' or

'Want me to copy the notes for you?' or

'I'm only carrying half of those books, the rest you have to manage on your own' or

'Dare you tell anyone about our conversation with Mr.Cornwell or about me helping you out' or

'Show me your answers Evans!'

There wasn't anything about her or me, nothing PERSONAL or FRIENDLY for that matter. Even I didn't bother to ask her. I don't force myself on people. If she's being extremely formal with helping me out only because of that car crashing thingy, then I'd be the same.

When it was economics and Ashley was no longer by my side, I had a little TALK with a guy, in the same class. Shane.

He told me he was Ashley's friend (although I didn't believe him, Ashley only spoke to Everly, in the FRIENDLY manner). I didn't mind him around. It was my first day and I wanted to make more friends. Another guy trying to talk to me couldn't matter right? Well, thats what I thought.

We talked about some random stuff, like food, sports, movies and etcetera. The economics teacher was REALLY annoying, so I figured I could talk to Shane for a while. Suddenly, he changed the topic and his tone of speaking as well "You know dude, hanging around Ashley isn't a healthy thing to do". I just raised my eyebrows and said "So, you wanted to backbitch about Ashley to me all this while?". His face hardened "I was just saying that, stay the fuck away from her. She's the slut of the school and anyway, you are just moving close to being doomed, by staying with her. The whole male population of the school will risk anything to get close to HER" he said in a threatening voice. I kept my calm and replied "Thats none of your business, SHANE and anyway, I can watch out for myself as well as for Ashley. So back off". I turned in my seat so as to face the black board. He placed a hand on my shoulder, not a soothing hand but a deadly and threatening hand. I just shrugged his hand off of me and turned to listen what the chicken had to say. "Well, you would be responsible for whatever you do. But as of now, I would like to advise you, to NOT fall for her because you would only end up getting your little heart broken there. So, YOU back off KIDDO" he hissed in my ear.

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