Chapter17 Shootout At The Library & The Nerd Is Involved. Can You Believe It?

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Chapter17 Shootout At The Library & The Nerd Is Involved. Can You Even Believe It?

____Ashley's POV____

I started driving as soon as we jumped into the car. Through the whole ride Jacob was anxious and kept throwing awkward glances my way. Well, I couldn't blame the guy, he had never dealt with a girl like MOI. Hmm...guess we could change that.

"You're gonna give me a heart attack here Howards." Mr.Goody whined and cue the eye roll. "Enjoy the ride dude. What's your problem?" I played innocent when I actually knew he was freaking out. I was enjoying this way too much. Jacob glared at me "First, you're driving quite above the speed limit and I don't intend on dying at such a young age. Second, you have a fake gun with you and it won't take a genius to understand that it's not for fashion. Where'd you get that by the way?" I resisted the urge to giggle and gave him a smug look. "It's Harry's. He used to prank the neighbours with it all the time. I took it from his room when I BROKE INTO my house to get the other stuff."

My reply was apparently too nonchalant for Jacob's liking because he was giving me the grandma-disapproving-look. "And what do you intend on doing with it...?" he pressed further not wanting to give me a lecture titled '10 Reasons Why Not To Break Into Your Own House'. Now it was just getting irritating, "If you don't shut up I'm going to get this car off a cliff and you're going to die a v*rg*n." Jacob became red in the face at my threat and looked straight ahead without uttering a single word. He knew me too much not to take my warning lightly. Poor guy, I could only imagine hime regretting to challenge me this morning.

A few minutes later, after Jacob struggling to give me proper directions to the library he was taking us to and after the ultimate amount to life threats he recieved, we were there. Finally. "So..." he trailed off. I rolled my eyes, got off the car and slapped him on the back (lightly), waving for him to lead the way. We walked in silence through the busy roads of morning and into thinner and thinner streets. Obviously one of Everly's cars is difficult to park in small and non-lavish places. "What are you going to do at that library?" I casually asked. "Collect a few books for me to read in the afternoons. A few to help us for our projects, since a certain someone is bent on making me fail." I glared at him, "Sarcasm not appreciated." He shrugged his shoulders and continued, ''They've got a cyber-café joined with that library so I was thinking, since we're here we could gather some info on the assignments." I smirked, "Who said there's a 'we'?" I cocked an eyebrow. "You mean you're not coming to the library with me?" I nodded my head from right to left "Nope. I have something to do after my work in the library is done. You stay there in the cyber-café till I return." Jacob nodded unwillingly at my instructions and let out a long sigh, "Ashley, what are you-" he was cut off by a familar voice. "Hey!" the brunette waved her hands over her head, it looked like an SOS indication. I chuckled and made my way towards her.

"Hey Eve, wassup?" I high-fived her and my gaze swept towards the black haired girl standinf next to her. I nodded in her direction not bothering to greet her. The whole school hates me/ is fascinated by me. So who the hell cares? However, Eve thought of better and made a quick introduction, "Emily, this is Ash my best friend and Ashley, this is Emily, my project partner." she swayed her hands from me to her and back. "So, whatcha you guys doing here?" I actually forgot that Jacob was here until he stood next to me. "We're returning from that library down the road. I was at her place and we were working at that project" she explained and I heard Jacob snort next to me. As if her were saying, 'Did you hear that? They were working on the project, TOGETHER. Unlike us.' Ofcourse that snort earned him a shove in the ribs, he should know better than to taunt me. Eve and Emily gave me a questioning look at my violence which I effortlessly shrugged off. Suddenly an idea struck me, "Hey Eve can you do me a favour?" she nodded and I took her away to the other side of the pavement we were standing on. I instructed her at what she's supposed to do and we said our goodbyes despite her numerous questions on why she should do what I said and what am I up to. Ofcourse I just smiled at my best friend and told her not to worry as she made her way home.

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