Chapter12 My Brain Is Insane. Maybe I Am Too, Since I'm Actually Talking To It.

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Chapter12 My Brain Is Insane. Maybe I Am Too, Since I'm Actually Talking To It.

____Jacob's POV____

I felt pain run through my viens as I banged my right fist onto the wall, ignoring the bruises forming on my knuckles.

Why? I should've known. I should've known that she is THAT Ashley. The girl I've been hating since TWO YEARS! I constantly ignored the warnings and comments at school. Why? Just because she wasn't mean to me for a change.

I'm such a dork! I groaned in frustration, slumping down on my bed. What am I supposed to do know?

Ignore her. Simple as that.

Not THAT simple, certainly not after today's day out. We're kind of friends now. She didn't do anything mean to me.

But you've hated her all those months right? Yeah....

I continue shaking my head, thinking of what to do next. Ky better have an explanation for it. I clenched and unclenched my fist again, just then he made his way into my room looking like everything is fine with the world.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I demand, Ky just scoffed and rolled his eyes "What was I supposed to tell? The first day itself you and Ashley were hanging out like a couple in school and you were following her like a love struck puppy."

"You perfectly know that was NOT the case. You know everything about that accident, about our classes arranged to be together and other stuff. So don't put it on me! You should've just told me on the first day itself. But what do you do? You freaking tell me to ignore you like the plague at school and not to tell Ashley that I'm your freaking best friend!" I yell at the blonde haired guy in front of me.

I've totally lost it. I can't believe he hid this from me. He should've told me who Ashley is! That SHE is the girl Ky's been telling me about all those months. Even if I was out of country, we stayed in touch through skype or sometimes facebook. I knew exactly what's going on in his life, that's when he told me about Ashley and whatever happened between the two of them. I hate her. Since then.

And now that we're getting along and there's something between me and her (which I don't want to think about) I find Ky waltz over to me and revealing 'Oh Jacob. She's the girl you hate the most.'

Not. Happening.

"Look. It all happened suddenly. I didn't know what to do." Ky ran a hand through his already messy hair and sits down on my study table. I was taking deep breaths to calm down myself. Every situation can be handled and this one shouldn't be any different.

"You bunked school. With HER." Ky said slowly looking down at the ground. "Are we seriously gonna argue about that?" I asked him, rhetorically. He understood what I meant and nods his head.

"We're brothers for life right? We can't get a b*tch to be working our minds out and worrying about." he finally stated, getting up from the study and walking towards the bed.

Actually, if you logically think of it, he's right. Ashley doesn't deserve the attention or the time we're spending on her. She's worth nothing.

I smiled up at my friend who was already grinning down at me, since I was sat on my bed. "Let's have some quality time with Nathan." I suggested. He scratched the back of his neck "He'll be mad at me. The last time I met him was way back on his birthday when we went clubbing." I chuckle at the so-called bad boy "Thats okay. I always helped you getting out of his clutches. Ain't that right bro?"

"Yeah." Together we walked down the stairs and after informing my mom that I was going to 'OUR HOME' to meet Nathan, we got into Ky's car. "So, what's the plan?" Ky asked me, as he brought the car into ignition. "Nothing. I'm planning to start volunteering along with Nathan. It'll give me some time off of home and also to catchup with him."

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