Chapter21 So Mr.Babysitter, Do I Give You The Hibeedibeejibeez?

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I'm on the verge of tears guys. Yes! This is CH21 for the third time. It's the same, incase you were wondering. You don't need to read it again, CH22 should be up soon. Thanks.


Chapter21 So Mr.Babysitter, Do I Give You The Hibeedibeejibeez?

____Ashley's POV____

I changed into my jeans and crumpled up the short gym shorts in my fist.

A sharp pain shot up my body, banging into my head like a brick.


My stomach twisted into painfull knots and I saw white flashes behind my eyes.

"Don't pass out now... don't pass out now... don't pass out now," I chanted in low whispers, hoping it would work. Jacob had probably taken the bus home like always and I hardly expected Evie to be here after I stormed off post my argument with Kyler.

I half groaned, half sighed.

Come what may, I had to make it home - which was the Spencer mansion as of now.

Pushing open the door of the supply closet - which I was using as a changing room - I took careful steps forward. My head wouldn't stop spinning and I wondered if coming down here for a rigorous dance routine, just to dissipate my anger while I wasn't in a condition to do so was a good idea or not.

Apparently, it wasn't one.

Sweat beads trickled down my skin, making me cold as a swift breeze crept through the window. My tube top was all wet from perspiration and all I needed was a nice after-dance-practice-shower. I don't even want to know how I smell right now.

Walking weakly over to my bagpack, I lifted it up on one shoulder only to stumble back - like it weighed more than I did.

Urgh Ash, can't you even pick up your friggin' own bag?

Suddenly a thought struck my head.

I didn't bring my school bag here....

Then how did it end up in this room?

Feeling my head getting dizzy and my stomach shrinking into nothing, I dismissed all thoughts, picked up the bag bravely and walked out of the dance studio. I pulled my sweat matted hair into a knot above my head and focused on keeping both eyes open.

My skin burned with exhaustion and my bones felt like they could just crumple down into pieces any moment. Carrying myself on the ground was becoming difficult than I had anticipated. The front doors of the school came into view and I willed myself into not curling my arms around my stomach and dying.

Just few more minutes until you get to sleep it off on a nice warm bed.

If Everly finds out, she's going to be mad.

Just like the last time.

And the time before that... and before that too.

I pulled open the doors of Prestige Cliché High and instantly got hit by bright sun rays.

Now is not the time to mess with me, I told the sun with a scowl on my face.

I took my feet down the few steps which lead to the open ground which further led to the parking lot.

But I tripped.

My eyes fluttered shut as the world turned upside down - literally - and I took the fall, my head hitting a small step and my knee scrapping off the edge.

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