33- Second rescue

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Jack's POV

The firefighters don't have time to say there's a noise. I look to the firefighters.

J: "Take the younger ones, including Sarah. Sarah, you know the rules. You're the only one in this group who knows the military tactics. I'm counting on you to protect them."

S: "Don't worry, I'll do everything I can."

With Tom, you go to where the noise happened. When you get there, it's a stone. You look around when you see armed men going around. You turn around very quickly, and you go where they're going. We decide to try to set a trap. We go see the others.

T: "Don't you have hard glue and handcuffs?"

Chief Boden: "We have strong glue and rope, come with me."

Once we've recovered all of this, we're on our way to all the entrances and exits except one, and we're putting hard glue on the floor. The one where there is nothing, we stand in front. And we wait. Very quickly, we hear a door open, and a scream. A new door, and a new scream, and so on.... To our door. When they come back, there are five. But you can very quickly hear a vehicle braking in front of the barracks. You can't see who knows, but the men seem to be afraid. They must not be their friends. Very quickly, new people come home and it's Uncle Jay and our parents. Tommy and I stay hidden while the adults shoot each other. All of a sudden, a man comes out of nowhere and puts his gun behind my father's head. So I come out of hiding and shoot him. Everyone looks surprised at me since everyone was safe and sound from now on.

Jack: "What, he was gonna shoot my dad, you think I was gonna do what to stay here and wait for him to get killed?"

Uncle Jay: "It's okay, we told you to shoot to protect, you did. In the meantime, we have to get the others."

With everyone, we're heading where the others were.

Jack: "It's okay you can go out, by the way, Uncle Jay and our parents have found everyone."

Very quickly the door opened and everyone left.

Uncle Jay: "Sarah, Tom, and Jack, come with me."

We follow Uncle Jay to the car, where he opens a briefcase.

Uncle Jay: "The guns."

We hand them to him and we go back to the barracks.

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