Chapter 21.2: Match 2

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Once my next match was up for the semi-finales it seemed that I was facing up against Hector, which was quite an interesting match. As my first physical combatant who wields an extreme amount of aura, I wondered how a "hero" would truly play out. Counting down to zero, the receptionist ended up announcing "The battle has begun."

As I rushed in with flash-step, I immediately ended up swinging my sword, but was cut short by me seeing Hector mouth off words, causing me to halt.

'Cutting it close now, aren't we?"

"Ok, time out, I don't think I caught what you said. Mind repeating?"

"Oh, right. In that case." He ended up flipping his hair before putting out his hand in plea. "I, Hector, forfeit."

"Wait, no. I wanted to fight you..."

"As saddening as it is to see you unhappy, it is by my conviction not to harm such a pretty lady such as yourself."

"But..." Maybe I can get a few hits in before...

The referee, reading me like a big, ended up stepping in "The winner by opponent's forfeit is Lumiya."

Rather than most of the crowd groaning in disappointment. They seemed quite happy by such a spectacle. As for the girls, it seems they were fawning for him. Guess he is an idol.

I sighed, before sheathing my sword and walking off. "I guess I won't scratch your pretty face. Otherwise, the crowd might get upset."

"Oho, you think I have a pretty face, do you?"

No homo bro. I don't think I was a looker, so I might be jealous.

"Yep, you look like a girl."

'Look like a girl, look like a girl, look like a girl......' it seemed these words drained his color, as I walked away. It seemed that I truly had won, mentally speaking.

Since this was the last battle of the semi-finals. Now then, the last battle is with.....Damien. To think that I get a chance to not only fight Circe, brother as well. And after I got a glimpse of their family tree.

Thankfully, I was able to catch a glimpse of the battle he had with Camren. They were both impressive in their own right. Both wielding swords, Camren with a one handed rapier, while Damien wielded a two-handed claymore. Since I too wielded smaller weapons, this would be a good reference for my upcoming battle.

Both of them both put up quite an impressive fight, as they were quite strong in their own respective fields. Though Camren wasn't as fast as yours truly, he still was able to maneuver around, striking at weak points of Damien's more heavier armor. But, Damien wasn't slacking either. Most of the time, he made sure to use his clamore as a shield, which was a creative utility, in my opinion. Then again, blocking in general is using swords as a shield, so I don't why I thought it was so cool.

Their sword styles were completely different than the ones that I have seen as registered by the guild, which further piqued my curiosity. Each of them had great power behind each of the attacks, which made me guess that it had to do with their aura, as it intensified slightly. From the feeling from it spiritually as well as physically, at the sheer force of their attacks seemed to cause the wind to pick up, this only charged me up even further as I anticipated such a good flight.

Though I was rooting for Camren in this fight, it seems to Damien that the edge is sheer strength which helped pull out a win. Once he was finished. It was time for the finales. Now, just to make sure Damien wouldn't be fighting handicapped, he ended up getting healed. It seemed that he couldn't take a potion, as I heard that hero's are resistant to all forms of foreign mixtures, which includes mead, wine, medicine, and poison, as that is all the same. I don't know why Hero's have this weakness in this era, or perhaps a strength. Still, as long as they have a good healer by their side, they should be good. For me, a healer is just a potion equivalent in terms of my restoration. However, for Damien, Camren, Hector, and Gabriel, a healer would be that equivalent.

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