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Hello! Been a while since I've posted on here. I promise I'm not gone forever, basically schooling and life has gotten in the way and with nintendo pushing back the sequel, my plans for this story have gotten pushed back as well.
Basically, I am trying to somewhat base my writing off of the official BOTW games just so I have a proper story to go off of with my own spin added onto it. So I promise once the sequel is out and I am able to fully play it through I will begin the works of my second book!

My ability to play will be delayed about a month since I am doing a study abroad to Japan in the month of may, but the moment I get back my full time will be dedicated to the game and my future story.

Thank you all so much for the love on this fanfic still two years after I started it, the love has been incredible and means so much to me. I promise to make the sequel a story you all will love.

In the meantime, get cozy and ready for Tears of the Kingdom, I can't wait to talk with you all after we experience the upcoming game <3

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