Chapter 6

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Lach's back hit a wooden pole with a sigh. He wiggled his toes inside his boots, the worn-out leather painful against his skin. He stifled a hiss. His feet had gone to hell today as carriages arrived one after the other not granting him or Rid any respite. The well-awaited ceremony was to take place tomorrow but it seemed the preparation were only beginning. He massaged the top of his foot through the leather. He was sure his knuckles were red and swollen. Walking back home would be a hell of a journey. Especially since the beautiful bruises earned during his last trip at the market awoke with every of his movement. A courtesy of the royal soldiers that Lach wouldn't forget any time soon. His fingers found his stomach's side and his jaw tense. He was glad at least his mother hadn't see that part of his body. They didn't hold back with their generous punches for sure.

Lach straightened up with a hiss, standing back on burning feet. The day was still alive with grey clouds over a dull sky and carriages and riders were still clogging the royal gates. He wouldn't even dare thinking about tomorrow when the guests would swarm in. He could already bid farewell to his feet.

The grimace couldn't be hidden as he took he learned to walk again. Rid was probably struggling at the gates without him and he needed to join him before stablemaster's strident voice could damage his hearing too.

He was about to head outside when something swiped away behind him. Like a cloth blown away by the wind. Lach frowned, reassured himself with a glance over his shoulder and shrugged it off. It was probably just that but before he could take another step, something creaked like the hinges of a door. He spun around, the pain on his feet dissipating as anxiety gripped his shoulders.

He thought himself alone inside the stable but again it was so massive that a band of vagabonds could hide in it for days he wouldn't even notice it.

Dry hay crunched under the weight of steps and Lach grabbed the first thing he could put his hand on. A wooden branch. They were collected to light a fire near the stables when the weather was unbearable. Lach advanced slowly, the wooden branch close to his chest. Horses neighed as he passed next to them demanding attention that the stableman internally promised to give as soon as he solved this mystery.

The noise of shuffling leather rose and Lach would recognize that sound anywhere. It came from the row of stalls on his side and his back flattened against a pole as he leaned forward to peer at the intruder.

His frowned deeply.

A person covered in a grey cloak and cap was walking away with a white horse, the saddle and reins already in place. "Hey!"Lach pointed the wood stick as if it was a sword, hoping it would be enough to stop this person. "Stop this."

The person froze, showing their back before they turned around slowly. The cap revealed a face that punched Lach again in his stomach. However this time, it took the hit willingly as he took in the most beautiful face he had ever seen. He had seen, pretty ladies, even had the privilege to call some of them his lovers but her...she was ethereal. The sun emanated from her face so much she shone bright. Large and dark eyes as big as a deer caught him under long eyelashes that fluttered a blink. A plump pinkish mouth, round and soft cheeks, a skin collecting all the stars so much it was dark and glowing like a starry night.

His jaw slackened as his mind scrambled. All he could do was to stare. What was a speech? What was the use of tongue? He had no idea at this moment.

Her gaze hold his before it panned down the branch pointing with a question. "What are you intending to do?"

Lach blinked slowly, looking at the piece of wood as he if asking when it materialized in his hand. Heat surged on his cheeks as he let it drop to the floor in a whim before he rubbed his palms together. "Nothing. I was-" Use your brain. Use your brain. He chanted in his mind before he coughed, his tone more assured after it. "I heard noises and I thought that-

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