Chapter 13

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The shadow of Command Zakrus spilled on the floor thanks to the moon's bright complexion that night.

All of Lach's limbs were tied with fear. The panic of his heart bounced at the same pace as the man's steps. It wasn't helping that the Princess's invasive warmth stuck against his body.

After a few seconds of eternal torment, the footstep receded, fading into nothingness. Lach's shoulders slumped, but the woman was still huddled against him when he stifled, "I believe he is gone." An exchange gaze. Heated cheeks and a jump as if to go away from burning fire.

She cleared her throat, fidgeting with the jewel around her neck.

The veil of darkness was a merciful blessing to hide the bright hues of Lach's cheeks. At least, now he could get away. He peered inside the hallway. Two mountains of men inside silver armor showed their backs, inspecting the broken dishes. Lach slid back into the darkness.

"What is it?" She whispered.

"Soldiers." Could that night get worst?

The slight glow of the moon peered into their hideout, showing her frown. "If he caught us, you will be in trouble." Worry laced her voice. Lach could have been fooled. He knew that perfectly and he should have thought about it before dragging the Princess herself into a dark corner with him. Shit. He was definitely screwed now. He rattled his mind for a solution when her voice chimed in. "Come with me."

Lach jerked his eyes to her. "What?" her crown glinted slightly in the moonlight, and Lach cleared his throat. "What do you mean, Your Highness?"

"Come with me to the stables." Lach wanted to laugh, but the seriousness of her tone discarded all humor.

Was she even sane? Despite the possible death threat looming over him upon discovering them together, he also had duties. "I can't go. I can't leave like that." The jarring voice of the stablemaster rang through his ears with the promise of reprimands.

"Believe me. You don't want them to catch us together." The Princess insisted, and Lach's eyes widened. It was the whole point.

"Why don't you go?"

The Princess looked down, the light in her eyes withering. "If they find me, they will have to bring me back." Lach's eyebrows jolted up. "If I have to hear one more man rambling about politics or resources, I will lose my mind." Their eyes met in the shadow, having their own conversation with soft flickers.

The rattling of armors approached, cutting short any more contemplation. They needed to act now, or they would be caught.

The Princess sank more into the dark corner. She pointed to a rectangular dark silhouette that had escaped Lach's vision until now.

"What's that?"

"This will lead us to the stables," The Princess pushed the door open, giving Lach a last glance before entering. The rattling got louder, and Lach followed her with a sigh.


Darkness swallowed them whole, only their heavy breathing showing the presence of the others before a light burst into a flame. A torch illuminated the Princess's face, making the sparkling dots on her face jolt like exciting stars.

Lach took in his surroundings. Thick stones clamped with a stale odor surrounded a cramped tunnel. Lach shrunk his nose. It was also so narrow he had to slouch down to avoid bruising his head. "Follow me," she said before sinking into the tunnel. The Princess's steps were firm and unhesitant as she navigated expertly inside this smelly maze, taking turns and paths without a second thought.

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