Chapter 19

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Each step shook her body as they echoed like thunders in the hallway. Amaya huffed. The scene from the stables unfolded more nerves inside her body. Who was he to talk to her like that? What has she done to make him act like this suddenly? She dove into her mind and searched out each of their interactions, but nothing would come. Did she unintentionally mistreat him? The feeling gnawed at her heart, and her steps faltered. She gazed over her shoulder. Perhaps, she should go back and clarify any misunderstanding...She frowned. She hadn't done anything wrong. Certainly, one of the horses must have stepped on his foot. This was the only logical reason for that aberrant behavior.

She looked forward again, and a deep scowl spreading over burned scar smacked her, spurring a soft gasp. "Commander Zakrus."

"Your Highness." He bowed.

The man had spurred from nowhere like a wild bunny. Amaya gathered herself together and cleared her throat, hoping her heartbeat wasn't too loud in the quiet hallway. "What can I help you with, Commander?"

The man scooted closer, his statuesque frame hovering over Amaya. She fidgeted with a piece of her skirt. Despite years of encounters, Amaya could never shake that uneasiness of her skin each time he was in a mere distance from her.

"Do you believe this wedding is the solution for Ornuv?" his voice insinuated like sickness without a cure. Amaya's eyes jumped to his, the depth of hell staring back at her.

"What I believe is none of your business Commander," she stated, keeping her eyes straight at him despite her skin crawling.

He glanced sideways and patted his pointed beard before letting a rough unhumorous chuckle. The Princess's eyes narrowed. "Everyone is aware of your feeling towards this union, Princess." He bared his teeth in a tight smile. "Your resentment and unwillingness have been clear since day one."

Amaya's grip on her skirt tightened, keeping the threatening bursting flame inside of her at bay. "If you know so much, Commander, why are you asking me this?"

A rictus threatened to burst through his dried lips. He shrugged. "I have a solution to your problem," he stated, eyes pointy. Another swift glance around. "We can have the Favor back."

The words sank between the two, into silence, into their meaning, and into surprise. "What did you say?"

He stepped closer, and Amaya gathered her strength to not step back. The battered skin was still vivid, and she winced inwardly. "The Favor is not lost," he whispered. Amaya's mind scrambled. "This is a myth. There is proof we can get it back, but I need your help, Princess," Amaya searched his gaze, wondering if she should fear for his sanity or burst into a laugh. "Think about it, your Highness. It is the solution for you.". You will not have to marry, and Ornuv gets to keep his sovereignty."

"How are you even sure about it?"

The Commander's gaze traveled away before he found hers back. "The Prophecy."

"The Prophecy?"

"In Ornuv's history book."

Amaya shook her head. "You can't possibly believe the words of an outdated book." The Commander kept his silent gaze on her. "Besides, is it the best solution for me or you?" she demanded with a pointy look. "I believe you have your fair share of opposition against this marriage. While I have been clear about my feelings, yours haven't gone unnoticed. We all heard about your tantrum during the council meeting and know that you fear for your position." She wouldn't miss her turn to move if he wanted to play that game.

The Commander's jaw tightened. "Ornuv can't lose his sovereignty," he insisted. "This would be the death of our army." His features constricted. "You and I want the same thing," his voice boiled with frustration. "We can stop this masquerade and bring back the Favor."

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