Chapter 18

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"To Prince Ezri, who has been a valuable hunting companion these last few days and an astute counselor. Your land is summoning you back, and it is with a lot of regret that we have to let you go." Bantu's baritone voice echoed through the dining room.

He sat upon a massive, intricated golden chair overlooking his companions, spreading out on both sides. He glanced to his right where his dear daughter remained, clothed in a velvet lilac flowy dress. Her skin glowed under the burning oil, scattering on the tables supported by golden chandeliers.

He gave her an expectant gaze, and Amaya sighed softly before saying, "You will be greatly missed, Prince Ezri." He threw her a blinding smile, and her lips tightened. Bantu raised a golden cup with the image of a sun engraved on it. "To Prince Ezri," he shouted, and it echoed in a choir as a dozen cups rose over a stream of the finest dishes that one would only find inside the castle's walls.

Eager lips were painted with rich velvet liquor before the voice of the Prince rose. "I would like to thank His Royal Highness, The King of Ornuv, for his gracious welcome and, of course, Her Royal Highness for giving me her time kindly," Erzi declared. His amber gaze found Amaya's as he conveniently sat in front of her front. He stared at her intensely, and Amaya found solace in her golden plate. The King hummed appreciatively.

"Unfortunately, Mias is calling me back. I wish it was for my mere presence, but duties lay ahead," Ezri explained, raising chuckles from across the table. "However, I would be back and eagerly so." He once again glanced at the Princess, and her lean fingers slowly tightened over the puffiness of her skirt below the table as she forced a curve on her rosy lips under the heavy stares of the guests.

"We can't wait to have you back." Amaya's cheeks hurt from spreading her mouth so tightly.

"Now," Bantu exclaimed, "Before the supper begins. Ezri has an announcement to make." The King nodded at the Prince, and all eyes fell on him as he stood up, his chair scraping the floor. He cleared his throat and rounded the long table in long strides under the heavy silence englobing the room.

He landed at the feet of Amaya's chair with a fire in his eyes that she had never seen before. Her eyes widened as realization fell upon her. His knee fell on the ground, spurring a gasp from a fleshy noble whose mouth, red like an apple in spring, imitated the color of her strands.

Ezri's hopeful eyes met Amaya's bewildered ones. This wasn't happening. Not now.

He grabbed her hand. It was moist and sweaty, but she couldn't let it go. She was frozen, captured in the moment. Ezri scraped his throat. "I have spent the most wonderful days here with you." A rush of blood shot straight to the Princess's head.

Lily gasped. "Oh, Sun God."

"I know that I need to prove myself to you more, but the moment I landed my eyes on your angelic face, I knew I wouldn't be able to look at anyone else." If Amaya's jaw could dislocate, it would be on the floor. "You-"

Red lips and hair fawned, interrupting Erzi briefly before his voice, sweet and suave like honey, went on. Amaya's heart beat like a hammer. "You have stolen my heart and conquered all my being." Amaya's eyebrows tightened together. Was he really doing this?

Lily's hand landed on her chest, as her expression melted on the table. On the other side, Commander Zakrus's face contorted as if he was witnessing the bloodiest slaughter of his entire life.

"Therefore..." Ezri removed a box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a silver ring with a blue sparkling sapphire topping it. It reflected against Amaya's dark rounded eyes. "Would you become my wife and reign with me over Mias and Ornuv?" he breathed out, his gaze sparkling with hope.

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