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This is of course just a thing. I'm just bored and wanted something to do.

???:  In the year 20XX where technology is becoming more and more advanced, humans have created us. Who are we? We are called Net Navis. Some are created to assist humans with day to day lives, some with construction, banking, etc. Some are created for kids to have fun playing "Net Battles" where Navis battle each other until the other logs out. And there's the scum of the Net. Us. Denizens of the Undernet. The cesspool of the entire Cyberworld...

Location: Undernet

A random heel navi is seen being knocked onto his back, holding his hand up he pleads for his life. (HN will be for Heel Navi for future reference)

HN: My lord! Forgive me! I tried I swear! I couldn't find out where- GAUGH!

A purple colored boot slams down on the Heel Navi's head silencing him for a short bit while the owner of said boot starts to speak.

???: Wouldn't be a problem if this was only the first time, but the problem is... YOU! KEEP! FAILING! EVERY! JOB! I! GIVE! YOU!

As he is exclaiming he stomps on the heel navi over and over after every word.

HN: Please... f-forgive me...

???: I have no use for trash like you... V-GATLING!

He raises one of his arms, when revealed it looks strangely like a gatling gun, firing a rapid fire of blasts towards the heel navi deleting him.

Voice: Heel Navi Deleted.

???: I have asked for the location of the deserters! WHERE ARE THEY?!

A foot step is heard as it comes closer the mysterious figure turns to see a navi who seems to have a Samurai look to him. (This is the best I could find also owners name is in the picture i believe)

 (This is the best I could find also owners name is in the picture i believe)

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???: Well well well. If it isn't Serenades lapdog. What are you doing here YamatoMan?

The navi steps forward getting on one knee.

YamatoMan: I know how you hate interruptions but I decided to locate the deserters for you.

Confused the figure questions.

???: You, help me? What's your angle?

Yamatoman: I wish you to reconsider fighting Mistress Serenade again.

???: After I beat her that badly you want me to fight her again? Why?

Yamatoman then stands up looking serious without fear.

YamatoMan: I believe Serenade wishes to fight you but keeps thinking you'll get made if she were to challenge you.

???: That sounds suspicious. Serenade usually wants to avoid fighting... Fine I'll accept. Where are they?

Yamatoman holds his hand out downing a hologram of a poster

???: The N1 Grand Prix eh? Fools so they decided to get net ops eh? Fine I'll show them what a real Navi can do!

YamatoMan: Not so fast sire. I'm sure you're aware that this is for Navis and their Net Ops. So I'm also sure you realized that you yourself needs one as well.

???: OH don't worry about that, there's one I've had my eye on for a bit. I'm sure with HIS help he'll get me to the top and help me delete those deserters.

Turning away the figure begins to walk off, but before he can YamatoMan speaks up.

YamatoMan: A human caught your eye? A destructive navi like you? Now I'm curious on what you see in this one.

The figure stops in his tracks turning slightly toward YamatoMan. A single red eye lights up.

???: He's the son of my creator.

Upon hearing this the Heel navis became restless and confused. Growing frustrated the figure shouted them to stop.

???: I'll be going to see this human. But rest assured I'll be back. And when I do I'll have those deserters scraps delivered here!

YamatoMan: Bold statement. But how do you know you'll win?

The figure walks towards YamatoMan revealing himself. 

(Picture owned by General Radix)

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(Picture owned by General Radix)

Vile: Because I'm Vile, King of the Undernet, GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Voice: Vile Logging Out.


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