Episode 9: Undernet VS Ancient Viruses! Wily's True Plan!

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     This is where it's gonna differ from the anime and combine it with the games.


In the Scilab cyberspace we see numerous undernet navis going up against loads and loads of viruses that work for Pharaohman.  The army of heel navis however are not just strong, they're also crafty as well, eliminating viruses left and right from a frontal assult as well as placing any traps, and even summoning their own viruses to help them fight.

The true battle however was still raging on, the only thing needed to do was to get to it.

Vile dashing towards the pillar of light is encountered by enemies, which are swiftly taken care of due to Larkman's speed.

Vile: Larkman! Take care of the viruses and find a way to turn those three back from being statues!

Larkman nods and quickly dispatches the rest of the viruses and proceeds to tail back to the oasis area.

Upon reaching the pillar of light, Vile looks around trying to find it source, upon looking down however he sees a familiar navi.

Vile: Vincent. Is that MegaMan?

Vincent: I think that is.

Jumping down Vile decided to greet the blue navi until he notices something strange.

Vile: He's just a husk of data right now. Can't get him to his Op right now cause of the viruses in our way to get out.

Jumping out of the hole with Megaman on his back he's greeted with another light and with that a familiar voice.

Megaman: urgh... Vile? What's going on?

Vile: You know, ready to delete an old net navi, the works.

Chuckling to himself he's interrupted by a loud and worried voice. Following the source he sees Roll just up ahead.

Roll: Megaman! You're okay!

Megaman: Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Vile here saved by data.

Vile: It wasn't me who saved you, maybe it was-

Interrupted once again, frustrating him, follows another loud and worried voice.

Lan: Megaman! You're okay!

Megaman: Hey Lan! I'm glad you're okay! What about Protoman?

Vile: He's fine you saved him, remember?

Megaman nods in confirmation of his memory then starts to move on his own and towards Pharoahman.

Vile: Where are you doing pipsqueak?

Megaman: I need to stop Pharoahman.

Vile: Not without me.

???: And certainly without me.

Turning around the three are greeted by Protoman as stern as ever.

Protoman: I still need to pay off that debt I owe you.

Megaman: Let's just be friends and call it even, okay?

Vile: Hate to break up this friendly reunion but I suggest we go before Pharoahman decides to mess up the net even further.

Lan: He's right guys we got to stop him before it's too late!

Then they ran towards to the top of the pyramid where they see Pharoahman talking to someone they never seen before. But due to dramatic irony, we know it is Dr. Wily.

Pharoahman: I see the blue one has been resurrected. Matters not to me, you're all flies in the end.

Wily: Pharoahman! They entered your tomb and dare to try and destroy your temples! Destroy them starting with the blue one! But be wary of the purple one. His powers are more dangerous then you could ever know.

Vile, hearing this steps forward.

Vile: How do you know that old man?! 

Wily: Hahahahahaha! Let's just say I know a lot more than you think! Now Pharoahman destroy them and as promised I'll give you the power to rule your kingdom forever!

Pharoahman: Very well, but you better keep your end of the bargain or I'll rain my judgement upon you too.

Pharoahman then starts summoning multiple coffins firing off lasers, homing rat viruses known as rattons, and even summoning mummy-like navis. Our heroes however retaliate against the forces and start dodging the lasers and destroying the viruses and mummies. Little by little they start to gain a foothold until they were in a position to attack Pharoahman. 

Pharoahman: I see you're better than I thought. To think I made a mistake into thinking you're all weak. However, peons are still peons and you shall be executed! 

Megaman: Not if we have anything to say about it! Lan!

Lan: Right behind you!

Protoman: Chaud!

Chaud: Roger!

Vile: Let's delete him partner!

Vincent: All right!

Lan/Chaud/Vincent: Program advance! 

Megaman/Protoman: Life Sword! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


With the huge wave of the double Life Sword combining with the Giga Cannon hitting Pharoahman, he had taken a heavy blow but somehow still survived.

Pharoahman: Grr. Curses! It not only seems I underestimated you, but I did so severely. I must admit your strength, but if I want my kingdom to be rid of weak navis who use humans as partners, then I'll have to fight fire with fire! Wily! Give me the power now!

After his shout for help, a machine rises around Pharoahman trapping him in a laser cage, this is followed by a cackling, evil laugh which of course belonged to Wily. Now surging with power, Pharoahman notices he's beginning to change shape.

Pharoahman: What are you doing?! This isn't part of the deal! What about my kingdom?!

Wily: What about it?! You're nothing but a scrap of old data that should've been deleted long ago! But don't worry, I still have use for you, when you become the vessel for my Life Virus!

With one last scream Pharoahman began to change dramatically, from a pharoah-like navi to a monstrous virus that towered over our heroes.

With one last scream Pharoahman began to change dramatically, from a pharoah-like navi to a monstrous virus that towered over our heroes

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Net Ending Nightmare: Life Virus

Wily: Now let's see if you can destroy this!

Lan: Guys this is hour final battle! Let's do this

Lan/Chaud/Vincent: Battle Routine Set!

Megaman/Protoman/Vile: Execute!

   To be continued.


Dear God that took forever, I was on a block, new games came out that I played a lot of, work was messing with me. A lot of stuff just came into effect from me getting this done. But it's finally almost over. The first season will end with the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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