Episode 7: The Semi Finals: MegaMan and ProtoMan vs Vile! How Strong are Bonds?!

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When Vincent left the arena, he went to a secluded space where no one would notice. Rather than getting pointlessly angry at his navi partner, Vincent decided to talk to him calmly... or as calm as possible.

Vincent: What was that Vile? You said you were going to delete them Not massacre them.

Vile: It wasn't just a massacre. It was a show.

Vincent confused, shakes his head and sighs for a moment before asking more questions.

Vincent: What do you mean a "show"? A show of what? Your power? We already know you're strong.

Vile scoffs at this before continuing on.

Vile: A show for several reasons. The first of which was a message to all the denizens of the Undernet, saying "This is what happens when you betray me". The second was a message to an... "old friend" I guess you could say, showing her that I'm not going to be so nice next time. And finally, a message to those two, telling them they can't win against me no matter what.

Vincent: By themselves you mean. We both know that Chaud kid has too much pride. I haven't even talked to him much but he exudes that pridefulness like it's going out of style. And Lan doesn't seem like one to think things through all the way at first. Making them fight with each other instead of against each other would be beneficial to every one involved.

Vile: Especially since Wily's involved. It's not going to be easy if he's as clever as you give him credit for. 

Even though he's a detective, he did not even suspect Yai was listening to most of their conversation. Hearing enough she went to see Lan.

Meanwhile with Lan and his friends:

Lan: So let me get this straight, Vile's from something called the Undernet? What is that exactally?

Yai: I honestly don't know to be honest with you Lan. It doesn't sound nice though.

Then they hear footsteps and a familiar voice coming form Chaud.

Chaud: The undernet is the darkest part of the net. Full of criminals and dangerous navis. Honestly hearing that isn't surprising at all considering on what we just witnessed. I almost forgot the reason why I'm here. Lan, you stay out of Protoman's way. We'll deal with Vile.

Lan: What?! Have you forgotten what he did to both Bombman AND Stoneman?! He isn't someone Protoman can take down by himself! 

Chaud: Really? Like Megaman can do better? Face it Lan, you're out of your league, so just do as I say and stay out my way. See you soon, and you too forehead.

Chaud then leaves leaving an angry Lan and Yai, though both for different reasons.

Yai: Grrrr! I really hate that guy! What does he think he is anyways?! He's only like that because his dad's rich is all!

Mayl: Isn't your dad rich too Yai?

Yai: Yes but I'm more sophisticated! Unlike Chaud who thinks he's a hotshot! I can't concentrate! I need strawberry milk!

Yai the proceeds to leave in her limo which speeds off into the distance.

Dex: To be honest, I haven't seen her this mad before.

Lan: MegaMan! We're going to beat Vile, with or without Chaud!

MegaMan: Wait wait wait Lan! Aren't we being a bit too hasty?!

Mayl: And now Lan's all fired up.

With the WWW:

The crew are talking to Dr. Wily on a communicator when he decided to tell his subordinates:

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