Episode 9.5 A Deal with Wily? A Deception Gamble!

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This is going to be a short one to detail the events of how Phaorohman became the Life Virus, also sorry it's been a bit!


In the center of Pharoahman's digital Pyramid stood, well Pharoahman himself. Plotting, planning, but most importantly waiting.

Pharoahman thinks of himself as the game master of this situation knowing what's happening and predicting what's going to happen.

That is until opportunity came knocking.

???: Hello there, Pharoahman.

The solo net navi turns around seeing a face he thought he wouldn't never see again.

Pharoahman: If it isn't one of the dreadful humans who thought they can seal me away. What do I owe this displeasure, Doctor Wily?

Wily: Is that anyway to treat the one who sought to free you from your prison?

Pharoahman was confused, he knew Wily was one of the people who imprisoned him inside that security chip, so why help him escape?

Pharoahman: If what you say is true, why help me escape?

Wily: Because all humans do is either suffer, or commit the suffering. We are a flawed species that needs to be reset, and you can help with that.

Pharoahman: And why should I help a pathetic human like you?! One who's committed more suffering to others than himself?!

In anger pharoahman showed numerous accounts of the WWW causing chaos.

Wily: Because while they were doing that, I was finding a way to chip at your prison. Then it hit me. Why not let those who are against me do so for me? All I needed was to get your prison in the right digital space for the effect to kick in. 

Cautious Pharoahman listens to what he has to say.

Wily: You don't need to answer me now, but in a few moments three very annoying navis will try to stop you, and without my help they WILL stop you. Therefore I'll make you a deal. I'll give you the power to destroy those three, and you'll help me with my goal.

Pharoahman: And if I refuse?

Immediately a wild cackling sounded from Wily's lungs.

Wily: As if you stand a chance against one of the net's oldest bugs? I know things about that purple net navi that you'll never understand, and never will if you don't agree.

Pharoahman: What you're giving me is a not a deal, but an ultimatum. Either receive the help, or be  destroyed by my enemies. Is that it?

Wily: You catch on quickly. But it does in fact benefit us both in the end, we're both rid of these nuisances, and our goals will be much closer.

Pharoahman waits for a minute unblinking, and unwavering. Until he decided on an answer.

Pharoahman: I'm afraid I'll have to decline to your ultimatum.

Wily: It's quite alright, but remember I'll always be watching. And the door is always opened.

After that the communication is cut off, but now for the perspective in Wily's secret lair.

Wily: And when you do accept it, only I will remain the victor! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


This is just a short chapter that details the deal between Wily and Pharoahman as hinted in the previous chapter. 

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