Episode 5: Quarter Finals Part 1: An Unexpected Twist?!

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Sorry it's taking a bit to publish these, I've been playing too much Legacy Collection... Already on 3 btw... I don't have a problem you do!


Battles go on and on, our heroes and anti-hero battles foe after foe. Though tough MegaMan was able to defeat Fireman once more! Protoman has an easier time with his opponent, logging him out near instantly. Vile just didn't care and fire a single bug bomb and won. At this point Vincent realized that Vile probably feels bored.

Vincent: You alright Vile? You were raring to go when we got here.

Vile: Yeah, I came here because I wanted to get this over with, but it's taking so long that this feels more like a chore than anything else. 

As he said this they can hear the familiar voice of Ribbita and Higsby, who sadly lost in the first round but was able to join as a co-commentator for the tournament.

Ribbita: Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the matches so far! But now we're going to change it up a bit!

Higsby: That's right! So far you've been able to beat your opponents one against one. But how about two against two!

Ribbita: Due to the number of people not being able to form enough teams, we have a special roulette that'll pick a select few people who were defeated in the previous matches! But that doesn't mean they'll be teamed up with the other! It's just a way to save time so we can get the show on the road! NOW SPIN THE SLOTS!

A cyber slot machine with a mettaur beside it starts to spin rapidly, until it starts to slow down and stop for a second, then moves again, Vincent seemed suspicious for a second but just ignored it. But it did it again, this time he thinks somethings up, probably just some people altering the system in their favor. The two that were chosen had their symbols pop up, one was a picture of a flame and the other was a colorful emblem.

Ribbita: Looks like Mr. Match and Maddi are back in the tournament. Who'll they'll be paired up with, we'll find out soon! But now let's go onto the next two who'll come back.

The slots start to spin once more and start to slow down and the first lands on one with a big, green, plus sign, and the second one was a light brown emblem with a brown spiral.

Ribbita: And the next two net battlers are Dex and Sal! Now let's see who they'll be paired up with for the next rounds of the tournament!

A giant board shows itself, showing the paired up teams. 

Vile: Megaman's paired with Sharkman. Protoman with Gutsman... hmhmhm... Now I see them!

Vincent: See who?

Vile shows the pair he's after. Or atleast, their names.

Vile: Stoneman and Bombman. They're the ones I'm after. Don't let their looks fool you, they're craftier than they seem. Wouldn't suprise me if they deleted their competition considering they've been now shows for each of their rounds.

Finally they see who their paired up with.

Vincent: Me and Sal... who was that again?

Vile: I think she was the one who gave you those roses wasn't she?

Sal: That would be correct. Nice to meet you again.

Vincent turns around to see the greenette (idk what to call it) and sticks his hand out.

Vincent: Looks like we're partners for this. Let's give it all we got!

Sal: Right! Looks like our opponents are Whaleman and Shiningman... Well I hope you're ready, it's not going to be easy!

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