Episode 2: The First Case: Missing Game Data?

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One more before I hit the bed, cause why not?

Last time on King of the Undernet, Vile struck a deal with the detective, Vincent. Helping him enter the N1GP and in turn he'll be able to get the money he needs to keep his dream alive, but first a case must be solved to see if this partnership will last that long. How will it go?

In the streets of Den Tech City:

Vincent is seen in front of a tall building which seems to be 100 floors ( i don't know how tall is a story tbh) tall. Vile looking at the case file decides to brief his new partner just incase.

Vile: Alright it seems this company, Ayano Tech has had some data stolen recently. With a firewall like theirs it seems unlikely it was a virus or a common thief.

Vincent: My thoughts exactly my friend, it would be more than likely it was someone from the inside, or at the very least someone pretending to be part of the company.

While they were discussing who might the culprit be a long limousine pulls up behind them. The door opens with a red carpet rolling out lightly touching the back of Vincent's shoes.

???: So you're the detective my dad told me about? I hope you know what you're doing because this is VERY important!

Turning around Vincent seems to have trouble finding the person who was speaking to him.

???: Don't be rude to a lady! Down here!

Vincent proceeded to look down and was greeted with a flash of light, when the light dimmed down he saw a short child with an unusually large forehead.

Vincent proceeded to look down and was greeted with a flash of light, when the light dimmed down he saw a short child with an unusually large forehead

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Net Op: Yai Ayano

Yai: My name is Yai Ayano. My father runs Ayano Tech. Now let me give you the run down on what happened.

While Yai was walking inside the building, Vincent seems to be stunned. Instead of the President himself or a representative telling him about the case, it was his daughter. Shaking off his shock, he follows behind listening to what she had to say about the case.

Yai: My father is making a game for the newest system that was just released last month. And this game is going to be big! Massive world with loads of quests to do! Graphics that would make other companies bow down to their beauty...

As she went on about the game, he couldn't help but be reminded about how other game companies promised the same thing only to be let down on release. But he listened thoroughly to what she had to say.

Yai: We honestly don't know how it was stolen. This is the most powerful firewall in the world. Have your navi jack-in to meet mine. His name is Glyde and he'll give you some assistance. 

Vincent: Do you doubt my credibility Miss Yai? 

Yai turns around with a huff.

Yai: No it was just I was training with my friends to enter the N1 Gran Prix but my father called me saying he wasn't able to meet you here so had me come instead. He can't help it he's a very busy man after all.

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