Episode 10: Final Routine Set! Triple Program Advance!

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The life virus: a virus with the potential to completely devastate the entire net if left unchecked. The last known one caused more than half of the net to be in shambles years ago. Yet it was rebuilt. 

But now a new Life Virus has emerged with Wily taking control of the virus' power he is nearly unstoppable. Will our heroes be able to win?

Only one way to find out....


Wily: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally! It's complete! The net's end shall commence! But first to delete three thorns in my side! LIFE VIRUS DESTROY THEM!

Lan: MegaMan we have to beat Wily!

Chaud: Protoman prepare to delete that virus!

Vincent: Vile we have to stand our ground!

Wily with a howling laughter speaks up.

Wily: And how do you plan to do that?! This Life Virus as a Life Aura! He's invincible! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

MegaMan: There's no way we'll lose to you, life aura or not!

Protoman: We'll just have to hit you with everything we've got.

Vile: If you think you can win with a tactic like that then you can never destroy us!

The three of them proceed to abuse their best attacks possible in hopes of destroying the aura.

Lan: Mini boomers!

Chaud: Wide Sword!

Vincent: Vulcan!

With multiple explosions happening at once you think that the barrier will come down right? Wrong. The aura didn't even take a hit all that damage was nullified instantly.

Wily: Is that all? Life Virus! LIFE CANON FIRE!

The life virus' shield proceeds to disappear before firing a giant laser aiming at them.

Vincent: No you don't! AREA STEAL!

Due to area steal Vile was not only able to grab MegaMan and Protoman, he was able to get them out of harms way as well.

Vile: Did you two see that?

MegaMan: See what?

Protoman: It's barrier was down when it fired that laser at us, that's it's weakness.

MegaMan: Even with that information it's going to take a lot of power to delete it!

Vincent: Leave that to Vile and I! You two set up for a program advance.

The sound of footsteps alarm them looking towards the virus they see it going inside a rocket program.

Wily: Now that my virus is complete, all I need to do is sent it to the satellite that governs everything in the net and destroy it! Chaos shall destroy this net society! And a new world shall be reborn! A world rules by me! ALBERT WILY! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Vincent: Not if we have anything to say about it!

Lan: We will defeat you Wily!

Chaud: We will win no matter what!

Wily: Grraaaaah! Life Virus! Life Wave now!

Vincent: Vile get ready! 

Vile: Roger.

The life virus prepares to fire a devastating burst of energy towards them, but as soon as it's shield is down...

Vincent: NOW! Bug Bomb!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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