Episode 4: It's Finally Time! The N1 Gran Prix is Here!

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At the Net Agent's HQ:

The Net Agents are seen in a room with a giant oval table with a multitude of seats... Too bad there's only three of them to fill them.

Commander Beef: It's terrifying how much power that navi has...

Black Rose: Commander is something wrong?

Commander Beef: Yes, there is Black Rose. It's that navi. What was his name again?

Mysteryu: I think it was Vile wasn't it?

Commander Beef: Yes, that's his name... It fits all too well...

Black Rose: His name fits? How?

Commander Beef: The term Vile was once used to describe as something or someone to be cruel. And the way he fought and utterly defeated our navis in combat was just that. Too cruel.

Mysteryu: Does that mean he's our enemy now?

Commander Beef: Hopefully not. But still, we should be ready for the worst outcome possible. 

Black Rose: If he does go out of control, he could potentially more dangerous then the entirety of WWW...

At the N1GP:

Vincent is seen running towards the stadium excited about what's to come.

Vincent: Yeah! Finally! The N1GP is here! Let's rock Vile!

Vile: I have to agree with that. It's been weeks since we got that invitation from Commander Beef. Didn't stop us from Net Battling though. Shame really, none of them were a challenge... Maybe that blue navi could though...

Vincent: What blue navi?

Vile: Nothing forget about it. Let's just focus here. We have a deal and you need to uphold your end of it.

Vincent: I already am remember? You said they were going to be at the tournament so that's why we're here.

Vile: Sorry, just nervous is all. We're battling in front of hundreds of people. Never experienced this before.

Vincent: Don't worry about it. Well we best be going, our first round is about to start! Ready partner?!

Vile: Ready as I'll ever be! GAHAHAHAHAHA!

Inside the stadium:

Ribbita: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first round of the N1 Grand Prix! Where the stakes are high for the coveted title of Best Netbattler! My name is Ribbita and I'll be your announcer while also doing the play by play!

Ribbita: Hello everyone! Welcome to the first round of the N1 Grand Prix! Where the stakes are high for the coveted title of Best Netbattler! My name is Ribbita and I'll be your announcer while also doing the play by play!

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Net Op: Ribbita

Ribbita: In this corner! He'll put a shock to your systems! Give it up for Count Zap! And his Net Navi, Elecman!

Ribbita: In this corner! He'll put a shock to your systems! Give it up for Count Zap! And his Net Navi, Elecman!

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