Episode 4: Zayto's Past part : 1

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I know , I know it seems forever has passed and I haven't updated. Sorry for the delay, I am busy with my school stuff , Sorry again.
Hope you enjoy 💙❤️

[ This is the way you pronounce Criya ( See - re- ah )

Taking a deep breath Zayto said “ It is Criya, she will be the one I want to call back ” Javi “ Who is Criya , Zayto ?” Zayto “ You all don't know about her ” Barbrá “ I feel it is your final decision my child . But remember only 24 hours , no less no more ” Zayto “ Ok ”

[ Barbrá disappears and a white portal opens and from it the dino fury pink ranger ( Criya)  comes out and runs and hugs Zayto , he hugs back to her ]

( Everyone one was shocked to see her mainly because she was a Power ranger )

Zayto “ I have missed you a lot , where did you go leaving me ” Criya “ I didn't go anywhere, you were lost in that battle and I couldn't find you. But now you found me ”

( She de- morphed and the girl had pale skin , blonde hair her antennas were out she was wearing a beautiful crown and wore a pink and white dress . She looked at other girls they were wearing normal dresses. Izzy was wearing a green jacket on white t-shirt. she went upto Izzy and touched her jacket )

Criya “ You all are so beautiful and your clothes they seem so comforting yet are elegant and you ( pointing at Izzy) are so privileged for wearing this beautiful coat . ” Izzy “ Yep , It is called a jacket.” Criya “ On our planet they only allowed men to were such beautiful piece of cloth ” Zayto “ And I remember you always complained that why girls aren't allowed to wear it ” Criya “ Seems like you haven't forgotten a thing . Well , where are we and who are this beautiful ladies and handsome mens. Izzy “First of all , who are you ? ”

( Criya bowed in front of them)

Criya “ May I introduce myself ( she bowed like a princess ) I am Criya Marshall Sinclair, I am the princess of Rafkon .” Amelia “ You are a .. a princess ” Criya “ yes ” Aiyon “ Wait ,I thought you weren't a princess anymore ” Criya “ It's a long story ” Ollie “ We are down to listen to it .” Amelia “ Zayto why don't we go back and talk about everything on the ship? ” Zayto “ Sure ”

( They teleported back to their ship )

(Solon sees them and then sees Criya )

Solon “ My dear , where were you , we searched for you so much. Izzy “ So tell us about your past ?”  Criya “ One Night, some invaders came and attacked at the palace. I was alone and at that time I couldn't protect myself because I was not a fighter at that time . That night I was rescued by the knight of Rafkons. By seeing them fight I was determined that I will myself learn to fight and become a soldier. But It was not allowed for Rafkonian princess to become a knight at that time. The only way for me to become a knight was to give away my royal title . So that is what I did I gave away my royal title. Then when I became a knight I was fortunate to join the team led by Zayto . Zayto and I both grew closer at that time and we fell in love with each other . ” Javi “ Zayto, Aiyon you both never even considered telling us about her . Zayto, why did you never tell about her . ”

( Criya goes up and holds Zayto's hand )

Criya “ Why did you do it ? Why didn't you tell them the truth . The person who is responsible for the destruction of Rafkon” Izzy “ Zayto said it all happened because of him .” Criya “ No, It's because of me ” Ollie “ What ! He never said anything about you and that you were responsible for it ” Zayto “ No! ,No she is not responsible for it. ”Amelia “ Criya tell us what really happened? ”  Criya “ I am the princess and us Royals have special powers of making a wish but if we wish for something by using those power it comes with a big cost. Even though I was not a princess, I still loved my planet and fought to protect it beside other knights. When we all fought the sporix beasts on your planet , Zayto was badly wounded and I couldn't think of anything else but with my powers I wished to heal Zayto , His health was retained but my planet in return lost all its ammunition and we couldn't protect it . Thus , this lead to the destruction of my planet by my own hands .” Zayto “ She did this all to save me , that is why I always felt that this all happened because of me .” Amelia “ It's ok Zayto, love makes you do things you can't even imagine.” Javi “ But Aiyon why did you never told us about her ” Aiyon “ I was bound to not tell about her . Zayto took a promise from me and Solon  that we will never tell about her to anyone. If all your questions are over can I know Zayto what things you want to ask to Criya and Criya how did you become a princess again ?.” Zayto “ Criya , I wanted to know what happened to mom and my family?” Aiyon “ And what about my family, did they survive after the battle back at home ?” Criya “ Unfortunately no one survived except for Ather . ”

( Zayto shed a tear )

Zayto “ So nobody from my family survived ” Izzy “ hey , why don't you take it in the positive way , they wouldn't have survived after 65 million years ”

( Zayto calmed himself)

Aiyon “ Ather ... Where is ather ,I know that he wouldn't have survived by now but how was he able to escape ” Criya “ When my family thought to release sporix they wanted Cyril to be there . For Cyril's safe return to the planet they had sent Ather but by the time they both came the planet was destroyed and only a few survivers were left ” Javi “ Who's Ather and Cyril? Aiyon “ Ather was my elder brother, my entire family worked for Royals some were knights and some were ministers. Criya “ And Cyril was my younger brother, The Prince .” Ollie “ But how did you survive from the sporix battle and how were you able to Morph , I thought now only Amelia could ?? Criya “ I was the real pink ranger my soul lives inside the morphin grid. When we all evacuated the megazord my stasis pod was broken and I lost my dino fury key. I saw that everything around us was destroyed, I tried to look for Zayto but I couldn't find him . I did found Cam , he was almost dead , I tried to save him but I couldn't but he did say his key was lost too . Fern “ Who was Cam ” Criya “ Our blue ranger ” Solon “ That is why I found your keys ” Amelia “ You mean the blue and pink key ”Zayto “ Yes ” Criya “ I decided to return to rafkon but I found that all my people were moving to different plantes as refugees. Cryil was also taking many people to another planet for their protection. He asked me to take my title as princess for them and live for their welfare but I wasn't happy after a few years when everything started to settle . I decided to..... Zayto “ What ” Criya “ ......I commited suicide ” Zayto “ Why did you do it ? ” Izzy “ How could you do it ?” Criya “ I didn't feel alive anyways for whom should I have lived ? , No one was there neither you nor my family . ” Amelia “ What you did was wrong was but I do get why you did it ” Javi “ Why did you say such thing?” Amelia “ Cause I know what it feels like living without a family. Criya you are here for just 24 hours with us ,so why not make the most of it ?” Criya “Thankyou” Fern “ Hey , why don't you go get changed, I can lend you one of my jackets .” Izzy “ Let's throw a party for your welcoming ” Solon “ Why not, the cooking is on me ” Javi “ Entertainment department is mine ” Ollie “ Ami and I could decorate the ship.” Aiyon “ Sounds like a plan ” Criya “ Thankyou so much , to all of you . I am grateful for meeting you ”. 

I know there is no fight scene or villains scene but I just wanted to let you know the full background story of Criya . Part 2 of the episode will come soon .

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