Episode 11 ' Lie '

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Yes I know it's been a long time .. Really Really sorry for not posting.. I am intertwined between my work and my academics and stuff .. huff . Well let it be . Hope you enjoy reading it . Sorry again . ❤️💙

[ On Spaceship ]

( In drawing room )

Zayto and Illyria were there talking

" So tell me why is your hair black and not blonde?"

" Well it is because after the battle many royals didn't survive. So they started marrying those people who were just rafkonian just so that the family is alive. And that is the reason why I have black hair "

" But in your memories your mom had blonde and your dad had brown hair "

" So ? I have hair like my grandfather"

" Ok "

" So ..you tell me now "

" What ? "

" How do you have this pendent?"

" My mom gave it to me before the sporix battle... what makes you ask that question?"

" The crystal of your pendent is the nem crystal it is very rare and was only found on rafkonian planet. It was given to those people who would operate the spaceship. So that if anytime anything is destroyed they can use it to fix any part of it "

" You know a lot about rafkon "

" I didn't grew up there but I know about it , it's my home "

" Yeah "

( In main room )

Reine " Done with the work , it shows co - ordinates of planet ZX- 4 "

Solon replied slowly " We all sort of knew it was him "

" Who ?" Reine inquired

" The planet of Lord Zedd . Call everyone we need to tell them "

" Right away "

Reine turned on the purple alarm it was used to call them all for something urgent.

Izzy " What happened?" Aiyon " Did you find something ?" Solon " Yes , our doubt was right . She is at ZX-4..."Illyria started talking in between " isn't it the same planet where Zedd is seen ?At least she will be useful now " Solon " but we are not sure exactly where she is " Javi " But we can try to find them near the location it's showing " Reine " We tried a lot ..but it's not showing it " Ollie " We could just increase the radian frequency . It'll help us narrow down the location " Amelia " Do whatever it takes to save her "

Ollie joined Reine and Solon for working. But then the intruder alarm went off .Fern " looks like someone's here " Reine " It's a robot near Farrow market " Izzy " But that market is literally between the Kuiper belt " Amelia " Looks like we will be jumping around asteroids today " Illyria " And what are we supposed to do hear just stay " Ollie " Once we find the location you can go there for scouting " Illyria " Fine " Zayto " Ollie stay here help them find Orria . Be there when you can " Ollie " Sure "

They teleported and landed on an asteroid . Javi " I don't know what's weirder the feeling of being on asteroid or the feeling of being in space with zero gravity " Fern " True " Aiyon " Where is that robo ? " Zayto " I don't see any body here , even the people are gone " " DUCK " Amelia shouted as the robo attacked them . They all ducked and he missed his shot.

Koro " Well Well Well , I might have lost my first chance but I won't loose the second one cause I am the great Koro " Izzy " We'll be the judge of that " Koro " Absolutely not !" Aiyon " It's time for you to be toasted " Amelia " It's Morphin time ! , Ready " The rest of them " Ready ! " All together " Let's go Cosmic ! "

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