12d (Finale) - The Wedding - Yotsuba

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A/N: warning (same as beach chapter's): any similarities to the original are purely coincidental. please do not spoil anything for others. also, this is probably not how weddings work in Japan, but I hope it's okay anyway. thank you, and enjoy the finale!

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Fuutarou adjusted (Y/N)'s hair for the seventh time; he was helping (Y/N) get ready at his apartment. (Y/N) finally had enough and slapped his hand away.

"Fuutarou, bro, I'm good. You don't need to fix my hair any more."

Fuutarou smiled. "Yeah, yeah, but don't you want to be as handsome as possible for our dear bride?"

"Yeah, I guess... But still, stop it with the hair. I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself, above all."

"My hair is just fine!"

"Dude, you literally keep it the same style every day. I wouldn't be surprised if you wake up and it automatically shifts to form the style."

"I'll have you know that I sleep like that!"

"I know. I've slept with you before."

During this entire time of getting ready, (Y/N) hadn't received any texts from Yotsuba, so much so that (Y/N) was now a bit worried. He pulled out his phone and texted Yotsuba:

where are you??

A minute later, a response:

sorry, sorry, i'm on my way

these girls won't stop trying to fix my hair

I know the feeling..., (Y/N) thought as he put his phone away and sighed. "I should probably get going, then, too."

"Alright. See you later, I guess. And congrats again."

(Y/N) smiled. "Thanks. Good luck with your future partner."

"I don't need luck! I have brains!"

He never changes... (Y/N) shook his head but still smiled.

During the drive to the shrine, (Y/N) thought about all the people he had asked about the wedding and realized that no one had actually objected to the marriage.

First, he told Ally, naturally.

"What, really?? I would love to have Yotsuba-san as my sister!!"

"Sister-in-law, Ally..."


Ally was very accepting and was extremely excited to get a Nakano as a sister-in-law.

Next, he told his parents (he only told Ally first because it was relevant in a conversation they had).

"Oh, Yotsuba Nakano?" his mom looked through her memory. "Ah, yes, I remember her! She was quite nice, wasn't she?"

"I seem to think so, too," his dad agreed. "Lucky catch, I'd say!"

(Y/N) rolled his eyes. "You make her out like she's perfect. I wouldn't say she's that great..." [edit to clarify: "that great" as in not perfect, not as in not great]

His dad gave him a glare and whispered, "With that attitude, your marriage won't last more than a week."

So (Y/N)'s parents didn't mind it either.

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