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I arrived at my apartment 20 minutes ago but I've just been sitting on my bike, still very confused on everything that just happened. Unable to fully wrap my head around it, I decide to go to my apartment. Get changed into some sweats and a tshirt and head down to the gym and get rid of some stress. I left another note for Tara letting her know where to find me if she needed anything.

I've been using the punching bag for at least 40 minutes now. I decided to take the wraps off and continue to go for it. I'm so focused on letting all this stress out that I almost don't hear Tara behind me. Wait, why is Tara in here? I turn around confused. "Tara, when did you get here? And how? You need a key to get into the gym" I say, utterly confused. "I woke up and was scared cause you weren't there but I saw the note you left again and wanted to come see you. And some random guy let me in" she said playing with her fingers and not looking at me. "How about we go drive and get some snacks? And we can come back and watch a movie? Does that sound good?" I question, hoping to make her feel better. She nodded her head before I extended my hand for her and walked together back up to the apartment to get my car keys. God why am I like this with her? I can't ever stay mad.

We drive 15 minutes down the road to a convenience store. We park and get out, going through the isles and grabbing things we want. We go to the counter and I pay for it all before we head back to the car and drive off. On the way home her phone starts ringing. "You should probably answer that" I say confused cause she's just staring at her phone. "It's Wes" I hear her mumble. So I turn down the music and tell her to answer it. I stay focused on the road this time. Remembering the last time she answered his call in my car. "Hi Wes, what do you want?" She asked nervously. I couldn't hear what he was saying but it seemed to of affected her. She hung up the phone and stared out the passenger window. I reached over and gently grabbed her hand, making her focus snap to me. "What happened? Are you okay?" I ask sincerely. "I'm okay. It's just, he um, he asked where I was and that he was going to come pick me up" she said nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you want him to come pick you up?" I said curiously. She mumbled a quick no. "Here pass me your phone" I said with my hand out for her to hand it to me. She slowly gave it to me and I rung Wes back up. "Hey babe, I'm on my way now. I'll be there soon" he said quickly. "Wes, it's Y/n. There's no need to come pick her up. She said she wanted to stay here tonight but I can drop her off tomorrow morning if that's what she wants." I told him before hanging up and handing her phone back.

We arrived back at the apartment and got set up in bed with all the snacks. "So what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask handing her the remote for my tv. She turns and gives me the biggest smile. I absolutely love her smile. Especially when her dimples show. I turn to look at the tv and see that she's putting Hereditary on.
I look over at her with a raised eyebrow cause she must've watched this movie at least 100 times now. I chuckle when she shrugs with a smile and turns back to the tv.
How is it one of her favourite movies yet she still get scared of all the jump-scare scenes? I laugh to myself quietly as she yet again, jolts from something g happening on screen. I decide to go on my phone, just to check my notifications. When I see a text from Sam


How's she doing?

Fae Gott✊🏼😩
She's good, we're watching
hereditary right now :)

Fae Gott✊🏼😩
Don't stress, Sam
You know I'll always look after her

*Milf🫡🫦 ❤️ Reacted your message*

I turn my phone back off and continue enjoying the movie with Tara. I don't know when but I must have fallen asleep because I wake up with Tara cuddled up to me. We're still leaning against the headboard.
I slowly and carefully get off the bed, making sure not to wake her. I pack up all the snacks and take them to the kitchen before coming back and gently picking Tara up and putting her in bed properly, tucking her under the covers. I leave a small gentle kiss on her head before going out to the lounge room and turning my Xbox on. I grab my headset off of the coffee table and connect it all up.
I grab my phone and call up Mindy, knowing she'd still be awake at 2:30am and would wanna play games.
I tell her what's up and she immediately hangs up and quickly joins my party on Fortnite. We play a few games, chatting shit before she decides to get all deep and meaningful. "How's things with Sid?" She questions. "Things are good? I guess. I mean, we're just friends but she kissed me tonight. When I dropped her home. I don't know, it just didn't feel right to me." I said rambling unsure of my feelings still. "Okay, have you spoken to Tara recently?" She said almost scared of how I would reacted. "Um, we haven't really talked about anything but she's sleeping in my bed right now. Some cockhead at the club tried drugging her and then taking her home. So I brought her here so I know she's safe. God knows what Wes would do with her in that state." I said lowly and angrily.

I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder so I spin around confused. Ready to fuck someone up until I'm met with Tara sweet brown eyes. Her mouths moving but I can't hear her, I move my headset slightly so I can hear her. "Sorry, what did you say?" I ask. "I was just asking what you're doing? It's 3:30am. Just wondering why you're awake" she says playing with her fingers nervously. "Just playing games with Mindy" I say before patting the spot next to me on the couch. She smiled shyly before walking around the couch and sitting down. I put the headset over her head "say hi to Mindy" I tell her. I continued to play while they talked. "Mindys hopping off now. But she said she's gonna come over later" Tara said placing the headset down. I decide to turn off the console with that information. "Let's get back to bed then, yeah?" I ask her as I stand up and put my hand out for her. She gently grasps it as we make our way to my room. Making sure to turn all the lights off on the way.

Falling endlessly (g!p version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora