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It's been a couple years since Tara and I moved into our house. How crazy is that?? Anyways, things have been a little rocky between us recently. With me still working two jobs and Tara still only at the club, we don't get much time to see each other. I'm always coming home and going straight to sleep which I know isn't fair to Tara but I'm just trying to secure a future for us. We've been fighting a lot more and sleeping separately. Both of us too prideful and stubborn to talk about it. And that brings us to where we are now, in the loungeroom fighting.

"Babe, I just got home from work and I'm tired. Can we please not do this right now." I say exhausted, running my hand down my face. "That's always the fucking problem with you. Too busy out there fucking other bitches than fixing things with me. YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" She yells, throwing her hands up, angrily. I sigh heavily "I'm not fucking other bitches, Tara, I am working. At my day job, which you have been to, multiple times". "Oh my fucking god, y/n. It's like working gets your dick wet or something. Always 'sOrRy BaBe, I hAvE WoRk tOdAy'. You never take time off to spend time with me! With our fucking friends!" She yells, mocking me. "Tara, please. I have a headache. We'll talk about this tomorrow." I say walking into the kitchen to get a drink. "Fuck you, y/n. Im leaving. Come see me when you've got your fucking head screwed on." Tara says, storming up to our room to pack a bag. "What do you mean, leaving?" I ask, following behind her. "Are you dumb or something? What do you think leaving means? I am going, walking away, Departing. How else do you want me to say it??" She says, rummaging through our closet grabbing clothes. "Just calm the fuck down, Tara. It's not that deep." I sigh crossing my arms in the doorway.
She finishes packing her bag, turning around to face me in the doorway. "Move, y/n. Move or I'm breaking up with you." She mumbles, not looking at me. I take a deep breathe, staying silent as I move out of the way. Following her to the front door. "Baby, come on. We'll talk about it later. Just stay here." I say softly, grabbing her hand lightly. She stops in the middle of the doorway. "It's too late for that, y/n. I love you" Tara says, slipping out of my grip and walking to her car and getting in, locking the doors. I stand in the doorway, at a loss watching her leave. "Fuck" i mutter. walking back inside, closing the door behind me.

I sit on the couch with my head in my hands, unsure of what to do or how I feel. Sitting there in silence for what feels like forever. "Fuck, I wish you were here right now, mom. You'd tell me what to do." I whisper, letting the tears fall from my eyes. I grab my phone, calling my moms number, knowing she won't answer. "Tell me what to do, mom, please" i mutter, my voice cracking. "Hey this is Mya, sorry I can't come to the phone right now-" her voicemail says. I sigh, ending the call throwing my phone across the room.
"I can't lose her. She's the love of my life. I have to go find her." I mutter, standing up grabbing my bike keys and helmet. I lock the house up, running out into the pouring rain getting onto my bike, speeding away to find Tara. Speeding through the streets of Los Angeles. Stopping at Mindys house first. Running up to the door, taking my helmet off, knocking rapidly. "Woah woah woah, calm down. No need to knock like that". She says opening the door. "hey, what's wrong? Why do you look stressed?" Mindy asks concerned. "Tara- We-we got into a big fight an-and she left the house and I-I don't know where she went and I need to go f-find her cause I can't lose her" I ramble, running my hand through my hair roughly. "Hey, relax, okay? Just breathe. She didn't come here but I'm sure she's okay" Mindy says, hugging me. "I-I have to go. I have to go find her" I stutter, pulling away and running back to my bike speeding away to the next place she could be. putting my helmet back on.
I'm weaving through traffic trying to find her when I come up to a red light. "Fuck it, I can't sit and wait for it to turn green" I mumble speeding up to rush through.
Just as I'm crossing the intersection a car clips the back of my bike, sending me and the bike flying. I smack onto the asphalt road, sliding from the impact. "Fuck me" i mutter in pain, my whole body covered in scratches and cuts. My head pounding, feeling blood trickle down my forehead. I try to move my head, looking at my bike seeing it totalled. I push my self to get up, screaming in pain. The rain making the blood cover my body. Staining my skin and clothes. I start limping, trying to run, still on a mission to find Tara. "Sams house is close" I mumble, the adrenaline kicking in, not feeling the pain anymore.
Limping as fast as I can to get there, afraid I'll be too late and lose her forever.

I'm rounding the corner onto Sams' street. Seeing Tara's car parked in the drive way. I speed up as much as I can. Stumbling up to the door. Hoping it's unlocked. To my surprise it is, I fall through the door, grabbing anything to keep me up. I see Sam come out of the living room. I watch as her expression changes from mad to scared. "Fuck, y/n. What the fuck??" She yells, rushing over to me. "Tara. Is she-is she here. I n-need to apologise. Please Sam. I-I can't lose her." I mumble, my vision becoming blurry as my eyes prick with tears. "What happened to you?!" She asks incredulously. Calling out to Kaitlyn to call an ambulance. "No, don't, don't call an ambulance, please." I say groggily. I push past Sam, stumbling through the house trying to find Tara. Pushing the door open to her old bedroom, seeing her curled up on her bed, facing away. "Sam, I told you I-" she starts to say, turning over to talk. "Y/n" she whispers, rushing to get up and run over to me. I couldn't hold my weight up anymore, sliding down the wall, feeling lightheaded. "Hey, baby. I need you to stay with me, okay? Please" she says, gently grabbing my face, looking into my eyes. "SAM HURRY" she yells out. My eyes start to close, everything fading to black.

So unrealistic but it still slays. Hope you enjoyed :)

Falling endlessly (g!p version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz