Chapter 15: Battle in the Colosseum

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(Before we begin, this is another particularly long chapter. I hope you enjoy.)

Gyalzen POV

The battle for the red stone had begun! The first fight would see Joseph against Wamuu. Around us, the Vampires cheered loudly as the two chariots stopped parallel to one another. Soon, the fate of mankind would be decided, starting with a chariot duel to the DEATH!

Kars announced, "The match will begin when the moon reappears from behind that cloud!" He pointed up just as, sure enough, the moon was temporarily covered by the passing clouds. The Vampires continued to chant Wamuu's name, much to Joseph's annoyance. You could tell he was jealous that Wamuu had all the fans.

I stood, trying to keep my breathing calm. In all honesty, I was finding it difficult, my fear of the situation continued to escalate. Next to me, Lisa Lisa sternly instructed. "Calm yourself Gyalzen! Don't lack faith in JoJo's abilities." I didn't even bother arguing, she was right. We'd both come far under Lisa Lisa's training. And unlike me, he knew Wamuu's fighting style.

The rules for this match were simple. One lap was nine hundred and sixty meters. Each lap, a new weapon would be placed on a pillar directly ahead of the pair. Whoever got their first, got the weapon. A Vampire climbed down the pillar and placed a giant sledgehammer on it. The size of which could likely smash through a chariot with ease. I could only hope Joseph got to it first.

The moon was nearly emerging, however me and Lisa Lisa both noticed Joseph dawdling around near his chariot, Lisa Lisa asked "JoJo, what are you doing? It's almost time." Joseph replied with a grin. "I know, I know. The start is the key! I have to check the rubble under my wheels. Hey Wamuu, looks pretty bad down there."

I realized what he was doing. He began tossing the pebbles under Wamuu's chariot. If my theory was right, when the chariots set off, these pebbles would slow Wamuu down, giving an early lead for Joseph to grab the weapon. Whether Wamuu was aware of this, or he just didn't care was unknown, either way he gave no reaction.

At last, the moon emerged from behind the clouds, bathing the arena in a glow. Kars raised his arm and announced "START!"

And just like that they were off. And it was instantly clear that my theory had been correct. Right away, Joseph shot off into the lead, Wamuu attempted to pursue however his chariot soon became stuck.

One of the Vampires called out "L-Lord Wamuu is having trouble starting! His wheels are stuck!" Wamuu instantly stated "JoJo did it!" Lisa Lisa added "That clever devil." I spoke "It's funny what he comes up with sometimes." Lastly Kars spat "Bastard, you were at work while we were looking at the moon!"

Joseph sped off as the Vampires accused him of cheating, Joseph shot back "When your life is on the line, there are no rules! I don't mess around when it comes to survival!" It didn't take long for Wamuu to become unstuck though.

His wheels soon broke through the rubble and soon he was powering after Joseph however even so, there was still a noticeable gap between them. Kars calmly stated "JoJo will reach the hammer first."

Just as he said this, Joseph reached the column and in a swift motion, he snatched the hammer shouting "Gotcha!" For a moment, it seemed he'd lose the hammer as due to his speed, it began to slip from his grip. Though the hook on the hammer's handle latched onto the ring on his finger which allowed him to regain both his composure and his hold. With the hammer in hand, he declared "Now, this fight is in the bag! What luck."

This wave of confidence I felt in that second was soon diminished as Wamuu simply shrugged it off "You can have the hammer. That was my plan from the beginning." Was all he said as he continued to close the distance between him and Joseph.

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Where stories live. Discover now