Chapter Four

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Embarking upon her Stonebrook walk, Evelyn cradled her arms full of delivery orders and corresponding addresses. 

The buoyant teenager had spent a good chunk of the day hopscotching from one house to another, delivering orders. In between, she exchanged friendly banter with the townsfolk, who showered her with warmth and kindness.

The sun now held court in the sky, its rays draping the streets in a cozy glow. Evelyn could feel a dull ache creeping into her overworked feet. Her day had been a whirlwind of activity, and her legs were echoing their protest.

"Phew, that should be it," she sighed, gently stretching her limbs.

The sight of a hotdog stand was a welcome oasis, and she promptly claimed a spot, treating herself to a refreshing drink. As she indulged in her iced tea, she rummaged through her bag, locating her treasured novel, Time of the Shield.

"Now, where was I... Ah, yes, chapter nine..."

Evelyn dove into her novel, her eyes grazing the pages. Her peaceful reading was abruptly interrupted by a familiar throb in her head. She groaned, her forehead slick with perspiration.

"Oh, not again. What's with these stupid headaches?"

She was no stranger to these frequent headaches, typically fleeting visitors. But this one seemed keen on overstaying its welcome. Suddenly, the throbbing escalated, and Evelyn winced, her head feeling like a helium balloon.

"Get a grip, Parker," she muttered under her breath, her eyes screwed shut.

Just then, the strident blare of a car horn sliced through the air, causing her to swivel towards the source. A car was hurtling towards her, and she yelped, her hands shooting up instinctively, her eyes slamming shut, bracing for the impact.

An unknown energy surged from her palms, wrapping the vehicle in an ethereal azure blanket. The car halted in its tracks, a hair's breadth away from Evelyn.

A moment stretched into an eternity.

And then another.

And another.

When Evelyn dared to open her eyes, the car was frozen in place, encased in a faint blue aura.

"What in the..." she gasped, her eyes mirroring the shock coursing through her.

Evelyn was rendered speechless by the spectacle before her. She glanced at her hands, the sight of a peculiar spell seal twining around her palms and arms adding to her astonishment.

"No way... Did I do this?"

A modest crowd had gathered, their eyes trained on Evelyn, who was still gawking at her radiant hands.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Evelyn stuttered, her words tumbling over one another. "I-I didn't mean to do that. I don't even know how I did that. If I knew I could do that, I wouldn't... I need to go!"

Without another moment's delay, Evelyn bolted from the scene, her heart pounding a frantic tattoo in her chest.

As she receded from view, the car gently settled back on the ground, the blue aura fizzling out, evaporating into thin air.

Evelyn continued her sprint until she was safely out of sight. What just happened? Was she responsible? How?

Her mind began to race as she thought about what had just occurred. As the questions played on, one thing became clear: the headache was gone.

.•° ✿ °•.

Evelyn charged into Tierra-Tenorio's with the urgency of a storm, the door slamming shut in her wake. She peered through the blinds, her breath catching in her throat until she was certain no one had tailed her. Assured of her solitude, she turned to find Eleanor, the embodiment of modern grace, concluding her interaction with a customer from the previous day.

Evelyn ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now